Since everyone loves pictures, here they are!
As usual, we opened (and closed) with the cannon:

Big boom
We had a special session at the very start so that Andrew could let his son and his nephew - who is from Chicago - have first crack at the reactive targets:

Weep, Sarah Brady, weep
General view of the range:

We like reactive targets
We had the prerequisite machine guns:

Belt-fed .22LR FA
And suppressed weapons:

Quiet Glock
And the recoilless rifle:

Zercool goes big
And I got one of the best pictures of the Snubbie from Hell™ in action ever:

Ring of Fire!
And the aftermath... We had an official observer from the UN present:

And lastly, we had a special target for the machine gun range:

I hope everyone had as much fun at the Bloggershoot as I did!
That is all.
Cool.. looks like you had a "blast"!
OMG That shot of me with the snubbie is AWESOME! Mind emailing me the full-size of that...and anything else I might want to toss up at my place?
Can't wait for next year!
S&W 360: Because shooting twice is silly...
That *Ring of Fire* is a once in a lifetime picture, unless you have a rather pricey stop-motion rig.
Dude....that picture should go into your sidebar somewhere...
Love the "ring of fire" shot. Oleg Volk would have a hard time reproducing that one.
Remember how Godzilla's son used to blow fiery rings like that?
That looked like my Dad shooting the Ring of Fire. With more hair and lots fewer years, that is. Excellent photo!
I'm sure that U.N. observer tsk-tsked through most of the shoot. I can see where that would get annoying.
I was about to say, Dave, you just made me feel old, until you said the "more hair and fewer years part".
That picture looks like MY Dad shooting a snubbie with a lot fewer years and LOTS more hair, as Dad never could grow a beard!
That is an awesome ring of fire.
Great Timing with the snubbie. Excellent pic.
Sorry Weer'd, I wasn't trying to imply anything. It's just that Dad favored short hair and similar glasses.
I don't know how he felt about short .357s. Mom didn't like having guns in her house. Whenever Dad brough his Ruger Mark I out to clean it she'd give him the look.
No Dave, no hard feelings at all.
Bummer about your Mom giving "The Look". My wife did the same thing when I bought home my first half-dozen or so, then when we had a pile of guns, and I had "The Talk"(ie: If there are going to be guns in this home you're going to have to learn how to safely handle them. You don't have to like them, or even come shooting with me, but you're going to have to know how to be safe), well she quickly figured out the sky wasn't falling, and guns don't "Just Go Off"...years later she went to a Second Amendment Sister shoot, and while she's hardly a gun-nut, and her eyes glaze over when I discuss the merits of .45 +P over 10mm, or the best SHTF rifle, she likes guns just fine.
BTW I'm glad I had my hair nice and short. You can see I've already sweated right through both my t-shirt and my cover-shirt. If I had let my Mop go shaggy I would have been DYING!
Yep that was FUN :-) Even if I AM chewing Advil like candy again...
That picture's way too awesome.
It's obviously a photoshop.
[runs away at a rapid pace]
Weerd, I'm actually pretty sure that it's Butch in that picture and not you.
You were wearing a red shirt, for starters...
How did they make that back stop?
I see wafer board for hanging the targets with some steel panels on the side. It looks like railroad ties or telephone poles for some of the support structure. But what is behind the wafer board?
It's about six feet of sand bordered by telephone poles and railroad ties. It's quite substantial.
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