Sunday, August 21, 2011

Holy Hardening Arteries Batman!

Ohio Hamburger Festival dishes up fried patties to brave attendees

(CNN) -- Step aside Iowa and fried butter -- there is a new national fried treasure to feast upon.

The country's first deep-fried cheeseburger is making its debut among at least 30 other varieties of hamburgers served by 15 different vendors at the National Hamburger Festival in Akron, Ohio, this weekend.

This, unlike fried butter, actually doesn't sound entirely unappetizing. Of course, my mind balks at the calculations in the caloric content, but I'll file this in the "if I contract a terminal disease" file for later use... Have some deep fried beer to wash it down and finish the meal off with a fried Twinkie, and you'll be ready for your morning angioplasty...

On the plus side, you'll be able to use your bloodstream to lube your AR and 1911...

That is all.


Ruth said...

Someone local to me has started selling a "donut burger", basically the burger buns are glazed donuts.....they're supposed to be at the state fair this year, I'll be avoiding them!

Veeshir said...

I went to a place that advertised as a "Dublin Chipper" and ordered a hamburger.
They bread it and deep fry it.

It was all about the disgusting. I couldn't finish it. I mean, I at about 1/3 and starting feeling sick and got to around halfway and had to stop.
It was disgusting with a capital "BARF".

Old NFO said...

Um... I'll pass on that one... :-)

Bubblehead Les. said...

As a Former Akronite, and Graduate of the University of Akron, those of you complaining about our Local Cuisine are just a bunch of Pansies! Heart Attacks, Hah! We Sneer at them! We tell those Cardiologists to take a Hike! We laugh in the Face of Lipitor! So go eat your Tofu and your Green Tea! We refuse to accept Michelle My Bell Obama's attempts to convert us to PETA Loving Vegans! Viva la Fat! Viva la Grease! Long Live the Revolution!

(Although Beans are tasty, especially when they are in Chili).

Steve said...

I just saw that story on my local NBC website. I'd be willing to make the 3 hour drive to try it out if I didn't have to work. Ruth.. It's called a "Luther" Burger down south (NC/SC way at least) For Luther Vandross.. and used a Krispy Kreme donut. Never tried it, but hey you only live once!