Monday, August 1, 2011

Reading... and Thinking

#1 Blogson hits one out of the park.

As we sit and grouse about the heat, take a moment to think about those that have it worse off than you do. Much worse off. They don't have an air conditioned office. They don't have the option of wearing shorts, or a light shirt, or telecommuting from home with the A/C on high. They can't take the day off and lounge by the pool. Complaining about a day or two over 100ºF seems rather trite and silly compared, IMHO.

And chances are pretty good you don't have people trying to shoot and/or explode you on a regular basis, either.

And they volunteered for this. They signed their name on the dotted line, making them eligible for all expense paid trips to Basra, Bahrain, and Baghdad. Whether you support our decision to go into Iraq or not; whether you view our troop deployments as a necessary step towards greater freedom worldwide or as evidence of American hegemony, our troops are there with their behinds on the line by choice. Take a moment to think about our troops in harm's way, and be thankful that such people exist.

Thank you, all of you on the pointy end of the spear, for doing what you do despite what the thermometer - or public opinion barometer - says.

That is all.


West, By God said...

You do know that Bahrain is a country, whereas Baghdad and Basra are cities in Iraq.

If you need another "B", try Balad, Bessmiyah or Bayji.

And yes, it is !@#$@# hot.

Jester said...

West, By God has it right ;)

I find that I do not miss that corner of the earth one bit. And yes, Blogfather, The media is mostly silent these days on the troops. Not a daily death count that I can remember since 08. And even getting threats of not getting paid do not really strike a note in the MSM.
However its good to see not all of it is forgotten. Godspeed to the Brothers and Sisters still over there!

Anonymous said...

Just remember that we treat prisoners in prison far more humanely than we have ever treated our volunteer military.

Temps such as those in IRAQ and Afghanistan means that the heat can build to 145 degrees in some shelters and add the gear they need and I am certain things go from bad to worse.

Linoge said...

A perfect way to develop an appreciation for awesome air conditioning is: sit in the Persian Gulf in a very large, steam-powered metal can and have the chill water feeding your A/C plants cuts out. That time ranks amongst the top three for "How Fast Can the Engineers Move"...

Phillip said...

I couldn't agree more; COB Basra, Balad, Baghdad = the suck.