Monday, August 8, 2011

Tell It To Your Boss...

Frank Blames U.S. Credit Downgrade On Military Spending

BOSTON (CBS) – Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank says the reason the United States credit has been downgraded is because it spends too much on the military.

“There is one area in American policy where we are doing things disproportionate to the rest of the world,” Frank told CBS’s “The Early Show” Monday.

That's because the rest of the world has come to rely on the United States for all their military needs, Barney. For good or bad; whether you support it or oppose it; we're the last big superpower left. We're the ones that send Navy ships to hurricane-ravaged areas for humanitarian purposes as well as troops into harm's way.

Now, military spending, interestingly enough, is one of the few areas where the Federal government actually has some Constitutional validity - "provide for the common defense" and all. It's one of the few areas where we actually do task the Feds to take care of things for us. Not bailing out car companies. Not giving your pet donor Fannie Mae tax breaks. Supporting the armed forces so that they can go to foreign lands, find our enemies, and kill them and break their things before they can do us harm.

And obviously your boss Barry agrees, since he's committed US military interests in several additional venues since taking office...

That is all.


ASM826 said...

Sen. Kerry is blaming it on the Tea Party.
Tea Party Downgrade

Anonymous said...

Fiftycal said...

There are 2 ways to get out of the obammao depression. Do it like Reagan, cut taxes, give business stability and get government out of the way. Or like FDR did, start a war. Now, who would you like to go to war with? Preferably someone that we can WIN over. Mexico? It's close, they don't really have an armed force, but the drug cartels will worry us about like the afgan guerillas.

B-School Schmuck said...

If that's the case then he should propose to close Hascom AFB. Of course that will never happen because that could affect people that live in his district and he might not get their votes in 2012.

Michael in CT said...

And if Congress would stop spending money on stuff that the military doesn't want or need, maybe the military budget wouldn't be so high.

Mike W. said...

Unfortunately for Barney we could completely eliminate the DOD and this country would still be screwed debt wise.

The numbers don't lie.