Monday, September 26, 2011

Four To Go!

FarmDad sent me this link in Gunblogger Conspiracy chat the other day. It's a good story despite the stupid headline:

Store Owner Guns Down Robbery Suspect
Gardena - A man was shot and killed today by the owner of a Gardena business he allegedly was trying to rob at gunpoint, authorities said.

The man died at the scene of the shooting, which happened at about 6:30 a.m. at Paisano Meats, 1523 W. Rosecrans Ave., said Gardena police Lt. Steve Prendergast. Authorities withheld his name, pending notification of his relatives.

A gun was found at the scene; unless there is conflicting witness testimony it's hard to see how this is other than a good shoot. No idea why they felt the need to use such a stupid headline; it's not like the business owner just walked out into the street and started randomly shooting people. In any case, this is the outcome I think we all would rather see than, say, the NY pharmacy robbery.

Dead Goblin Count: 196

That is all.

1 comment:

Bubblehead Les. said...

I like how they implied that the Storeowner shot an "Innocent Bystander during the exchange of Gun Fire." So, IN THEIR OWN WORDS, there was at least 2 guns at the scene. So how did the Bullets come towards the Store Owner, or did he shoot at himself? Stupid Media.