Sunday, September 25, 2011

Kilt + Icon = ???

To show the lengths to which I will go to increase awareness of the Kilted to Kick Cancer campaign, I spent some time in front of one of the most popular fast food joints in Massachusetts:

Kelly's, Meet Kilt

Yes, that's me standing in front of none other than Kelly's Roast Beef, one of the most famous summer institutions in MA. The original Kelly's is a Revere Beach tradition, a sandwich shop where you can order the original roast beef sandwich at a walkup window, a tradition now for almost as long as my parents have been alive.

I stood out front of Kelly's while drinking my coffee (Dunks lahhge rehgalah, natch) for a good half hour. A steady stream of cars flowed by, in and out of the parking lot, waiting their turn in the drive-through line, etc. No one even batted an eye at the shaved head dude in the kilt. The more I wear a kilt, the more surprised I get at the complete and utter lack of curiosity about why I'm wearing it.

So, AD, this one is for you!

That is all.


Unknown said...

Next year try it with the T-shirt, and maybe a silly cap. Face it, you look fierce.

Dragon said...

You should try an experiment...OC in the kilt, and see if folk keep ignoring you. ;-)

Irish said...

Jay, it doenst surprise me at all.

Most likely people see you as:

A: Intimidating.
B: Mentally Ill
c: Lost

Nowaday's people don't want to get involved unless its a dog locked in a car or you are spanking your kid.

Maybe if you put a sign up and were taking donations that would help ( I know it defeats the purpose) of you should have some hot red head in a kilt with you ;)

Good luck, you do have ALOT of cajones for what you are doing!!

BTW... Dragon's OC is a great idea :)

greg said...

In the northwest, it is not uncommon to see a person or two in a kilt. There was one guy I used to see a safeway about once a week, and he just flat lived in a kilt.

I have through about adapting that life-style myself(I mean, if Lazarus Long can do it, why can't I?) but the cost of name-brand Utili-Kilts makes me rethink myself...

Unknown said...

Greg!!! Think, man, think! Imagine the kilt your wife could put together! I'm bettin' you'd look pretty good in one, and I suspect she'd think so too...

Anonymous said...

Try pinning the thing up by 4-6" and then see what happens. No we won't bail you out either especially if we contribute to "the cause."

Ambulance Driver said...

"I have through about adapting that life-style myself(I mean, if Lazarus Long can do it, why can't I?) but the cost of name-brand Utili-Kilts makes me rethink myself..."

Do what I did, and make your own.

Weer'd Beard said...

Supah Beef!!!!

Hunter said...

"...I have through about adapting that life-style myself(I mean, if Lazarus Long can do it, why can't I?) but the cost of name-brand Utili-Kilts makes me rethink myself..."
Just do it, as the big name sports equipment company says. You would wear out a new pair of Carhartts before you would wear out the UtiliKilt. And get way more compliments.
Fully kilted for almost five years. (Pants only for the wage-paying job)