Friday, September 23, 2011

Stop! Or the Kilted Man Gets It!

Heh. Here's the pseudo-action shot I mentioned yesterday:

Gotta Have My Dunks

Intrepid paparazzi-in-training SCI-FI snapped this candid shot as I got back into the car headed to another landmark. The eagle-eyed viewer will notice one of the hazards of wearing a kilt and driving an SUV - there's a very real chance of showing more than you intended if you're not careful... Fear not, though - this is as risqué as the pictures get.

Stay tuned for more pictures over the weekend and next week. I'm hoping to have a surprise shot for Monday and hopefully some action shots from a range trip with Weerdbeard this weekend. I'm hoping to get a chance to spread the word about prostate cancer and talk to some folks about why I'm wearing a kilt - because I'm Kilted to Kick Cancer.

As always, donations can be made at or my Kilted to Kick Cancer Team Page.

Wearing a kilt isn't for everyone - just those of us with the legs for it...

That is all.

1 comment:

Ed said...

"There's a very real chance of showing more than you intended if you're not careful..."

Reminds me of the story of the kilt-wearing Scot who had a wee too much to drink and lay down in the cool grass of a park to sleep it off. A passing lass decided to take advantage of the obtunded Scot and to check out what Scots really wear under their kilts. As a reminder to him that he really should not drink so much, she took the ribbon from her hair and tied a bow on him as he slept. The Scot finally awoke and when he went to the toilet, noticed the bow tied ribbon. He exclaimed to himself "Ach! Laddie, I don't know where you've been or what you were doing, but you've gone off and won first prize!"