Thursday, October 20, 2011

Aw, Poor Plugs...

He actually had someone in the media call him on his BS:

TRENDING: Biden, reporter face off over crime statistics
(CNN) - Vice President Joe Biden had a tense exchange Wednesday with a reporter who questioned him about comments suggesting that if Republicans block a bill aimed at preserving police jobs, rapes and other crimes would increase.

"Do you regret using the rape reference to describe Senate opposition" to the bill, Jason Mattera asked Biden as he left a rally with police unions and others who have faced the budget ax in recent months.
Mattera, mind you, is with Media Matters, not one of the "mainstream" media sources. Biden was most likely PO'd because someone actually Mattera into the press conference. His response to Mattera is interesting:
"I didn't use ... no, no, no," Biden responded. "Let's get it straight, guy. Don't screw around with me. Let's get it straight."
First instinct is to deny. That's quite telling. Even though the statement was broadcast all over the world, his first instinct is to deny what he said. Realizing that even the fawning media couldn't pretend that he didn't say what he said, he backtracked and hedged - if the crime bill doesn't pass, all crimes will go up, etc. In fact, here's Biden's exact words:

“Let me tell you, it’s not temporary when that 9-1-1 call comes in and a woman’s being raped. If a cop shows up in time to prevent the rape, it’s not temporary to that woman,” Biden said with his voice rising. “It’s not temporary to the guy whose store is being held up and has a gun being pointed to his head if a cop shows up and he’s not killed. That’s not temporary to that store owner. Give me a break -- temporary.

And yet this same slimy SOB will be the first to stand in line claiming we need more gun control...

That is all.

Edited to add: Holy Jesus H. Tap-Dancing Christ. I have edited this fucking post eight goddamn times now
and Blogger fucks it up EVERY FUCKING GODDAMNED TIME. I'm done. Fuck this fucking format.


Nancy R. said...

You channeling Biden?

Paul, Dammit! said...

Blogger always reformats badly when I post Brazilian women in bikinis. My reactions are about the same.

Old NFO said...

LOL- One of those days, and it couldn't possibly be because Plugs is such an absolute ass and idjit...

ASM826 said...

There's the Jay we know and love!

TOTWTYTR said...

Media Matter is a left leaning web site. They usually slam the right and make excuses for Democrats.

If they are attacking Biden, it doesn't bode well for Obama.

Guffaw in AZ said...

BLOGGER: You get what you pay for! (I do!)

PMain said...

I think Mattera is on the right-side politically. He wrote a book about Obama followers being Zombies & has done several ambush interviews on Democratic Politicians

RipRip said...

HUMAN EVENTS Editor Jason Mattera I don't think Human Events is in with media matters? Or is that what you were tring to edit.

Jay G said...

That was one of the many things, yes...