Saturday, October 29, 2011

Guess What I'm Doing this Afternoon?

Despite the alleged lousy weather, we will be making use of this:

A good day...

The new ear protection is for TheBoy - so he has his very own set of ears. He's going to try his hand at rifles today (hence the plethora of .22LR) as well as more time with a .22 pistol (and a revolver, too, at his asking!). Meeting commenter Daniel at the range with one of his brood as well, so it's a good Dad/kid day at the range.

Despite the snow...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Have fun! Taking my offspring here next week:

Phil L. said...

Your picture reminds me of a question:

Is it just me, or is it almost impossible to find CCI MiniMag .22LR that *isn't* hollow point?

It used to be that HP .22LR was an oddity on a back shelf. Recently, it seems that many of the common bulk .22 suppliers default to hollow point.

Anyone know what's driving this?

DaddyBear said...

Hope y'all have fun. Nothing like a nice cool day at the range to get the blood pumping. Have a safe trip!

Borepatch said...

Congratulations to the young lad.

Daniel in Brookline said...

...and a good Dad/kid day at the range it was! Jay and TheBoy were very gracious hosts. My stepdaughter Z (or "Miss Z", as Jay unfailingly called her) had a wonderful time, as did I. It was cold enough to (eventually) push us to the indoor range, where we focused on pistols, but we got some great rifle time until then.

Jay does indeed have some wonderful toys. I'm jealous. (So is Z, who now insists that I have to buy a Sig Mosquito for her. Ah well, Chanukah is coming up, and I'll admit, I want the Skeeter too...)

Thanks again, Jay!

dr mac said...

Hope you had a great day !

Old NFO said...

Hope you had as good a day as I did yesterday! :-)

Dave H said...

Hope Jay's not shivering in the dark.