Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Marketing WIN!

Brad_in_MA sends in a story about a hardware store that so totally and thoroughly gets it that they are in danger of falling into a black hole of awesome. May I present to you:

Westlake Hardware's Zombie Preparedness Center.

They've got sections for humans and sections for zombies. A zombie FAQ. Helpful hints. Someone really thought this through, and they approached from a business standpoint, too. It's really neat to see a business get into the spirit of Halloween and really go hog wild. Here's a picture from one of the stores:

(picture from this story)

So if you need zombie supplies, check out the Westlake Hardware chain!

That is all.

1 comment:

Bubblehead Les. said...

Too bad we can't get Firearms from the Hardware Store anymore, though. Hate having to get that close to Zeds at my Age.