Go check it out - it looks pretty flippin' sweet!
(And, you know, while you're there, kick into the fundraiser if'n you haven't already - SA is a very worthwhile group to be funding...)
Linoge has more pictures, but you know I can't resist:

This is Dennis's first pocket holster, and he'll be rolling it out officially later this week. It is currently unnamed, so I was thinking maybe we could help Dennis out and come up with some suggestions. This is a pretty radical departure for Dennis, being the smallest holster he's put out yet, so we want to keep that in mind as well as the remainder of the line: Talon, Flatjack, etc.
How about the Dragon Leatherworks Suprise? That's kinda what it does, and it fits for two reasons - one, it's the nature of a good pocket holster that no one knows "What does it have in its pocketsss"; and two, it's pretty surprising that a pocket holster can look that good.
Leave your suggestions in comments - who knows, you could come up with an even better name?
That is all.
Dragon's Egg. Starts out small....
Pocket Rocket
Pocket snake(because of the snakeskin get your mind out the gutter) or Fang
I think we have a winner...
I kind of like Angel, as in "angel in my pocket."
Is that a Dragon in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
I like both Fang and Angel.....
My vote is "Happy".
In any case, thanks for the linkage and support, Jay G.!
Pocket Surprise.
Is that a gun in your pocket or ...?
WV: "cutiest" - Yes, that holster is.
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