Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Two Days, Two Additions...

Friend and reader Allen sends in the following DGC addition. It's one of my very favoritest types of additions:

Fatal shooting appears 'justified'

A frantic Omaha woman called 911 Sunday to report that she had shot and killed her husband after he attacked her and the initial investigation indicates the shooting was justified, Douglas County Attorney Don Kleine said.

“We'll wait until the police investigation is completed,” Kleine said Monday morning, “but preliminary indications are that it's justified.”

The guy in question sounds like a real prize scumbag, and it's really just a miracle that he's the one taking the dirtnap and not the ex-wife. These are some of my favorite DGC stories, because depressingly often they don't happen, and the woman ends up dying at the hands of her abusive ex, the restraining order but a useless piece of paper.

It's also interesting to note that the guy in question had restraining orders in the past and other criminal actions - how did he get ahold of firearms then? Shouldn't he have been a prohibited person, legally barred from owning guns? And yet he still had guns in his possession (which were taken away and used against him) - IOW, the bad guy's gonna have a gun no matter what the law is. Make guns illegal, you make this woman dead and her abusive ex-husband is free to kill others.

Gun Control: Because a woman beaten to death by her abusive ex-husband is morally superior to the woman standing over her ex's cooling body...

Dead Goblin Count: 217

That is all.


Unknown said...

That is a particularly nasty goblin. 'scuse me: "WAS," not "is."

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

At least one previous attempt to kill her, multiple threats to do so, and a history of violent assault. Why was this stain not in jail? At least he's not going to be a problem for anyone anymore.

And of course the MSM source had to put the word "justified" in scare quotes. No bias there, is there?