Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Discount Stabby!

Wow. Stumbled across a serious bargain for an EDC knife:

Another Kershaw

I found this, a Kershaw Crown, at Wally World this past weekend. It was on clearance for $10, so I picked up the last two knives on the shelf. I'm a huge fan of Kershaw knives in general, with Blur, Barrage, and Leek models already in the burgeoning G. pocketknife rotation. At $10, it falls into the "disposable if needed" category and still have a back-up. Or I can have a handy gift for the discriminating gunnie if needed...

And besides, new knife!

That is all.


Anonymous said...

I picked one of those up a few weeks ago from the same store...well, maybe not exactly the same...the same chain anyway.

The only issue I have with it is that I'm a southpaw.

The little nubs on the blade to assist with opening are on both sides, but there is only a notch in the handle to enable you to actually GET to the nub on one side...the side that makes it easy to open right handed.

I have a heck of a time getting to the nub with my left thumb.

Would it have been so difficult for them to put notches on both sides so as to not make the knife difficult to use for 20% of the population?

Granted, the lock release is on the other side, but I'd imagine that inventive engineers could figure out a way to make the knife ambidextrous.

Well worth the $10, but could be better if you're a lefty.

Weer'd Beard said...

That's a nice blade shape.

I have so many knives...and I keep buying more.

Fred said...

I thought about snagging one, but then I looked at the "made in..." on the back. I am dissapoint Kershaw.

Firehand said...

Curt, I wonder if you could use a dremel and a grinding point or sanding drum to cut a notch...

Damn. I need ten bucks for a project!

Anonymous said...

The lock release is right where the notch would need to be. it might still be possible, but you'd have to be careful not to interfere with the release.

freddyboomboom said...

Fred, just curious, where did it say it was made?

Kershaw makes knives in Tualatin, Oregon and in Japan, as far as I know.

They have always made knives in Oregon, since they started in 1974. They added making knives in Japan when they were bought by a Japanese company.

If that's shameful, then so is Ford making cars in Mexico.

BobG said...

Sailorcurt: the fact that it is not friendly to southpaws may be the reason it is being sold at a discount.

doubletrouble said...

I p/u one today as a cheapo gift. It's not really "discounted", it's just one of the "even-dollar" specials they have this time of year; my store had boxes of them.
The *made in* is China; however, virtually every major knife manufacturer has some product made there, with the exception of Case.

Joat said...

I picked one of them at the full price of $16 this summer when my normal EDC knife went AWOL, it's a nice knife but not as good as some of Kershaws other knifes, but at that price if it goes missing it's not going to hurt.

Sailorcurt, I stopped carrying mine for the same reason, I've started carrying a fixed blade in my right pocket and a folder clipped in my left pocket and I couldn't open this knife with my left hand.