I'll let Jim tell you about her:
Here is a little treasure that popped up in the mail yesterday.The Yugoslavian improvement to the Russian TT-33 has a Browning (PBUH) inspired safety and 9 round capacity, but is otherwise identical to the TT. It fires the same necked 7.62X25mm round as last week's VZ-52, and as with the VZ-52, 9mm barrels are available for the TT-33 (I would assume it would work in the M57 as well). This pistol - or a TT-33 - is on the long list of "guns I'd like to get someday".
It is a Yugoslavian M57 pistol. Holding nine rounds of 7.62x25, it is the slightly bigger brother of the TT pistol line. It came to me in a leather holster with two magazines and a cleaning rod. It also came smeared and filled (one of the mags was solid) with
cosmoline. After a full disassembly, a nice, hot water bath, toothbrush treatment, and a light baking in the oven, it was re-assembled, lightly lubed and put through some shooting.
She has a nice, light recoil (maybe something similar to shooting my brother's G17 with standard 9mm or maybe some +P rounds) and the bark is quite powerful. The bite tore up all of my wood blocks I shot up. Accuracy is good and the bore looks like a mirror.
I picked it up because it was an interesting 1911-inspired piece. Now if it only had the same grip angle, I'd buy a dozen.
Thanks for sharing her with us Jim!
That is all.
You and me both...
I keep an eye on Southern Ohio Guns and J & G Sales...
And the bank account looking for extra funds...
I still do not have one.
In speaking with an armorer for the State Patrol, he happened to be cleaning one, and I asked about it. Was his favorite and often had to "share" it with other Troopers when at the range....
The only thing that sucks a bit about it is that the magazines are not the easy to find TT magazines. But you can get CZ 52 magazines to work with it by a few touches with the dremmel tool.
And do you have a good source for 9mm Barrels? the spaced magazine may not be a requirement, mine will feed and chamber 380 (not quite 9mm, but the 9x19 will not chamber due to length), so maybe just a TT barrel will suffice.
Got myself an M57 a few weeks back and was pointed to Wideners for mags. They're not any cheaper than decent 1911 mags, but the mag that came with mine is worn enough that that it doesn't feed nor lock the slide open reliably, so I sprung for a few.
I ordered some from here, but haven't received them, yet.
Let me know when you do pick one up. I liked mine enough to make a decent holster for it. Give me a shout and I'll send you one...
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