Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's Funny! I Mean, Ouch!

Skidmark sends in the following graphic:

I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry...

That is all.


ZerCool said...

"I hope that grenade on his belt doesn't go off by itself."

Bubblehead Les. said...

Unpossible! I haven't seen a Cop in my neck of the Woods walk the Beat in so long....

Standing by a Gate at the Stadium, yes. Doing Off-Duty Security Jobs at the Wally World, yes. Walking a Beat? Noooo.....

Jay G said...

Y'know, the funny part is that I'm usually trying to figure out what they've been issued for a sidearm...

Wolfman said...

Pardon me, but I LIKE privacy, thank you very much. Its not that I have something to hide, its that I have no reason for you to see it. Its pretty much the same reason people have blinds and curtains, and clothes.

SpeakerTweaker said...

I'm thinking, "Why do you need my ID, sir?" Course, can't say that in TX. Not while you're totin, anyway...


bluesun said...

I think both. Kinda sad. I had a much higher opinion of law enforcement before I started blogging.

Weer'd Beard said...

We're ALWAYS doing something can't EXIST without breaking the law.

And I also check out their duty gun...and if they talk to me I lead with "How do you like the XXX?" Or "Is that a Glock 17 or 22?"

I'm sure it'll burn me one of those days, but so far it's always come up roses.

Dave H said...

Where's "wink and blow a kiss"?

I'd like to see a survey of "what do you do when you're driving and you see a police car?" Around here it's at least 99.9% "Stomp on the brake and hope they didn't see you." I'm the other 0.1% that says "Maintain speed. Brake lights are an admission of guilt."

Angus McThag said...

This is similar to a "how do you tell you live in a police state?"

If your first thought isn't "Oh goody, the police are here!" you're in a police state.

MAgunowner said...

"And I also check out their duty gun...and if they talk to me I lead with "How do you like the XXX?" Or "Is that a Glock 17 or 22?""


I've thought about asking one of the VA cops what his Sig P226 is chambered in, but he probably wouldn't know anyways.

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

Being an EMS volunteer in My Town, it's usually "Oh, it's {$NAME}. I wonder if they've been busy today?"

If it's the die-hard bike cop, it's usually "He's wearing shorts in this weather? Jeez, he's nuts, It's only 10 degrees out here!"

If it's in another jurisdiction, or it's a State Trooper, it's "Smile and walk..."

Sadly, even with the ones I know personally and am friendly with, there's always an undercurrent of "Be careful what you say and do, so he doesn't decide he needs to go into 'cop mode' on you."

Hat Trick said...

Me too, Jay.

Dave H, the attractive female LEO I met at the cash register at the local lunch place recently probably wouldn't have reacted nicely to that.

dustydog said...

"I didn't know there was a doughnut shop within walking distance of here."