Monday, December 19, 2011

Something Nice for Your Pocket... the new Dragon Leatherworks Wyvern:

Bodyguard 380 Wyvern

Dennis sent this little beauty to me to see what I thought about it. I've been bugging the hell out of him for a pocket holster for ages now, and he's finally seen the light and come up with the Wyvern. I've felt bad about the beautiful holsters Dennis has sent in the past, as they only see true OC once in a blue moon when I visit America for blogshoots and such. The rest of the time they're hidden away, either concealed under layers of clothing or left in the holster drawer when it's too warm for a cover garment.

But this little baby I can use all the time:

Perfect for pocket!

Yes, that is what you think it is in the corner:

VC Wyvern!

I'm going to be putting this little beaut through it's paces over the next few weeks and posting a full report later. I've only had a brief few moments to try it out so far; initial impressions are quite favorable so far. I'll have much more to say once I've had a chance to use the holster all day every day for a few weeks - and with the Wyvern, even those of us in states that don't allow OC can make the most of Dragon Leatherworks' holsters.

Lastly, don't forget you can win a Wyvern over at Linoge's place!

That is all.


Bubblehead Les. said...

Just when I thought my Christmas Shopping was over....

Dave H said...

I remember when you were fishing for suggestions to help Dennis name that thing. I'm glad he went with Wyvern. It's perfect.

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

Very nice! I'm waiting for him to make a revolver version available so I can buy one for Dad. He just got a S&W Bodyguard .38, and has been looking for a pocket holster. He got one at the gun show Saturday, but I don't like the quality of it and want to get him something better.