Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Don't Ever F*** With the Bartender...

Because you'll wind up looking like the guy in this story:

Man beaten with his own shotgun following two failed robbery attempts of provoked victims
This is the drunken robber who was left badly bruised after he was beaten with his own shotgun by passers-by.

John Columbus Beane, 58, appeared in a West Virginia county courtroom Friday admitting to two charges of first-degree robbery in November that ended with the butt of his own shotgun clubbed repeatedly into his face and head.
Go look at the picture. The very first thing that came to mind was the Jim Croce song "Bad Bad Leroy Brown" - because this dude looks like a jigsaw puzzle with a couple of pieces gone indeed. I mean, if you look up "getting the s**t kicked out of you" in the dictionary, you will see that picture.

You know, there's two mindsets in this world. There's the mindset that sees an umbrella handle and calls in the SWAT team, and there's the mindset that takes a shotgun away from a belligerent drunk and beats the tar out of him with it. I vastly prefer being of the latter mindset, thank you very much.

There's a world of difference between living in fear and being prepared - something that anti-gun people will never know.

That is all.

Thanks to Bob S. for the link!


Glenn B said...

White trash plain and simple.

Lissa said...

You skipped the part about him being left alone with the cash register in the first place he robbed and being unable to open it. He left empty-handed.

Stupid SHOULD hurt, and sometimes, it does.

Ed said...

Why did this prompt me to think of Elvis Costello singing the Nick Lowe song "What Is So Funny About Peace Love and Understanding"?

Point a shotgun at someone's face, don't expect any.


Wraith said...

"The lethal weapon's the mind."

--Ice T