Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What Is the Sound of One Hand Bitch-Slapping?

I imagine it would sound something like this:


BELLEVUE, WA – The suggestion by a University of Texas law professor that Monday’s deadly school shooting in Ohio was a “typical exercise of the Second Amendment” is an outrage, the Second Amendment Foundation said today.

Calvin Johnson teaches law at UT in Austin, and his comments appeared in an e-mail that was exposed by a reporter for the Washington Free Beacon. The story also revealed that Johnson defended the City of Chicago’s handgun ban, which SAF successfully challenged before the U.S. Supreme Court in McDonald v. City of Chicago. Prof. Johnson has also suggested that it is “quite reasonable” to dismiss James Madison’s motivations for including a right to keep and bear arms in the Bill of Rights as “historical trivia.”
Read the whole thing. Alan Gottlieb essentially goes up one side of the perfesser and down the other. It's pretty shocking that someone with an alleged higher education degree in law is so grossly ignorant of the meaning of the Second Amendment - or so blinded by ideology that he willfully misrepresents it...

"Historical trivia". You know, that just sets me off. I wonder what else Professor Johnson thinks is "trivial" about our Bill of Rights. He obviously doesn't think that the First Amendment is trivial, else he'd be concerned about losing his cushy state job over mouthing such ignorant comments. I half-expected him to start talking about how we could only have muskets, since those were the only firearms around at the time of the BoR.

I think I can safely scratch UT Austin off the list of serious law schools for my kids...

That is all.


bluesun said...

I especially liked the "A man with his perspective should no more be teaching basket weaving than legal doctrine."

That's the nicest way to say "go fuck yourself" that I've ever heard.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Austin, Texas has become the San Francisco of the Lone Star Republic. One should expect Insanity when one reads news stories from there.

Besides, ain't you sending theBoy to Harvard? Heard that Lady Gaga AND the Health and Human Services Secretary are having some Shindig up there.

Your Federal Tax Dollars at Work, since I doubt that Sebelius flew on United to Logan.

turtle said...

That's like saying rape is an expression of the first amendment.

I hate using phases like "Typical Liberal drivel" but it just fits so well here.

Borepatch said...

+5 to Bubblehead Les. Can't kick a rock here without uncovering a new infestation of Moonbats.

dsmith512 said...

As we say in Texas, Austin is 90 square miles surrounded by reality.

If only we could make a land deal with Kalifornistan or some such state and trade Austin to them. They can even have Lloyd Doggett and his seat in the house, just to sweeten the deal.

Ancient Woodsman said...

One of my favorite professors at Ureadmitted that he grew up as a PETA/SPCA animal-loving non- hunter. By the time he reached PhD level in Wildlife Biology, he realized, "this makes perfect sense!" He became an avid hunter.

I wish all law professors had the same realization about their profession. Clearly some never learn, or perhaps merely pursue their trade specifically to stroke ego and wield power over others.

The other day at Unc's place he highlighted a doofus (doofi?) who said "end of debate" about all who carried guns in public having a "small wiener"...seems to me we may have found the actual author, who very publicly has displayed a very small brain.

Ancient Woodsman said...

UNH. Admitted.

Not sure how that got all gunnysack there.

Jay G said...

UNH?!?! '97G here. Go Wildcats!

Ancient Woodsman said...


One of my greatest career joys is being invited back every spring for 20+ years to teach a module or two. It is a good school. I've got nephews there now. Congratulations on your "G" in '97 for Mr. G.

Been many theoretically colder places since, but some winter days then it seemed like no place on the planet could possibly be colder than Durham, 03824.