Thursday, March 1, 2012

Pegging High on the Tinfoil Hat-o-meter...

Andrew Breitbart dead in L.A. at 43
Conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart passed away unexpectedly from natural causes early Thursday, his website reported.Breitbart, 43, a star of the tea party movement, died shortly after midnight in Los Angeles, his website said.
Now, it's entirely possible that Breibart had a host of physical malardies that would explain his passing at such a young age, certainly. I'm two years younger than Breibart, and I'm running down the list of my peers that have passed recently, and I don't see "natural causes" listed for any of them. Drug and/or alcohol abuse, suicide, traffic accidents, sure. "Natural causes" in a first world country for someone that can afford quality health care? Not so much.

I mean, this is the guy that nailed Obama's beloved ACORN to the wall. The man who got folks on camera helping out a prostitute and pimp get registered to vote. The man who published the Weiner pics. Let's just say that if there was any one muckraker that would be beneficial to the powers-that-be to "disappear", he'd be the one. Combine this with the news that Obama is targeting Tea Party groups with IRS audits, and a pattern starts to emerge...

And of course, I can't help but wonder if these natural causes are like Vince Foster's natural causes?

That is all.


breda said...

Breitbart also claimed to have video of Obama in college - and promised it would come out before the election. Let's hope he had a fail safe.

Jay G said...

I'm going to go *way* out on a limb here and guess that the "official" report of his death will show drugs in his system...

Bob said...

Jim Geraghty on Twitter mentioned Breitbart having heart issues. It's entirely possible that he was carried off by a "widowmaker" heart attack. If I had to bet, that is how I'd wager. Same sort of heart attack killed Tim Russert.

Mopar said...

At this point it doesnt matter much how it happened; the end result is that conservatives in America have lost a powerful counterbalance to the liberal media. And Breda, the Ă˜bama college videos was the first thing I thought of as well, once I verified his death wasnt just a hoax.

Glenn B said...

As for me, I will hold off on the conspiracy theories until there is at least some indication of it by the facts. While there is no real indication for it yet, there is, of course, a lot to speculate on but I will keep it to just that - speculation. I thought, a lot like you, that many would love to see him off'd and that it could be possible that he was done in by foul play but I certainly can also think of a list of things that could have caused his demise by way of 'natural causes'. Some of those 'natural causes' could have been: coronary problems, stroke, aneurysm, blood clot causing a fatality, diabetes causing a number of fatal problems (I am not saying his was diabetic just bringing up the possibility). If I recall correctly, heart disease is the number 1 killer of men in his age group when it comes to death by natural causes.

I would be surprised if he was a victim of foul play but not all that surprised. As far as drugs in his system, maybe and maybe not. It would surprise me more than foul play if they were illicit narcotics in his system. Whatever the cause, I would guess there will be some sort of investigation including an autopsy, that is unless there is a history of a medical condition that led to his demise. Being they said it was unexpected though, I kind of am guessing that will not be the case and that some sort of investigation will be done if only because of his fame and because he obviously had enemies.

All the best,
Glenn B

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

I have to agree with Bob. A fatal heart attack at 43 isn't that unusual. It's also not uncommon for someone that age to ignore the warning signs of a heart attack, or attribute them to indigestion or some other cause.

Stretch said...

If YOU don't want a heart attack do NOT go to DU or KOS.
They have descended to depths that exceed our worse expectations.
The Rage-o-meter would serve as a fan.

Miguel said...

As somebody who had to help bring down a mountain the body of an apparently healthy 20 year old who died from a heart attack, I can tell you that you don't know what;s inside your body or when it is gonna hit you.

Bubblehead Les. said...

I understand that TMZ has a Video showing a Hulking Form behind the Fence on the Grassy Knoll using a Curare-Tipped Blowgun just moments before Andrew collapsed.

Film at Eleven.

Brad_in_IL said...

I gotta go with what Bob said ... widow-maker heart attack, or perhaps some sort of undiagnosed defect like an aneurysm that let go. It happens. I had a high school classmate who dropped dead at age 19 because of an undiagnosed congenital defect.


Weer'd Beard said...

Damn shame, he was a great American.

BTW the lefty blogs that I skim are celebrating like the Backward nations after 9-11.

So much for "new civility", huh?

ExurbanKevin said...

I know a few people in conservative new media, some who were close to Andrew Breitbart.

Without going into specifics, as I was told this on the q.t., he's had a history of shortness of breath, chest pains, etc. that haven't been well known up until now.

Dammit, what a loss.

The best way I can think of to honour him is to fight like he did.

Dave H said...

I'm sure there are Dan Brown wannabes already at their keyboards bashing out their pet theories (and I suspect they'll re-create the works of Shakespeare first) but I've had enough death by natural causes of people in my family who were under the age of 50 to know it's not just plausible, but likely.

I don't doubt there are spontaneous parties breaking out all over the bastions of liberality. But naming one of them as the cause is giving them an awful lot of credit.

Jay G said...

I just found it interesting that a key thorn-in-the-side of the left happens to pass away suddenly at the same time the opposition parties are getting audited by the IRS.

Why, it's like the Clinton years all over again!

Anonymous said...

Clinton's rules of engagement are in effect. It is a damned shame that the people who championed them don't truly understand what they are and whom they target.

Karma is a cast-iron b****.


Lissa said...

What a damned tragedy, a huge loss to the conservative movement, and I'm sure a devastating blow to his friends and family.


P.S. I also had a friend die at age 19 - from an asthma attack, while in a doctor's waiting room. Things that shouldn't happen sometimes just . .. do.

Glenn B said...

It is now being reported on Fox that he suffered from heart problems in the past.

Matt L. said...

I see 40-somethings with strokes and heart attacks all the time. I see no small number of them die, often horribly. It happens. It happens a lot. I know of a few new orphans this week because of it. We don't need to posit a conspiracy causing sudden death when a poorly placed plaque deposit is a far more likely explaination.

And, seriously, if foul play was involved, this was the wrong guy to bump off. You don't knock off people who power new-media pixels by the gigawat. If there were even one hint that there was foul play invovled, the Breitbart family, not to mention his old allies like Matt Drudge, et al, would hire private forensics experts to double and triple check any coroner's inquest. Every autopsy photo, slide, weight, and measurement would be analyzed probed. Heck, there'd probably hardly be a body left to bury after all the extra toxocology samples were sent out to various (private) reference labs, just to leave no stone unturned. If there was one iota of a suggestion of foul play, there'd be a Drudge Report headline in 92 billion font posted faster than you could say, "Monica, the Snake Charmer, Lewinsky." Breitbart would be an instant martyr, and then things would get weird, dark, scary, and really, really interesting. But it ain't gonna happen, because if there were any serious doubt, there'd already be a Drudge headline in 112 billion font. Instead, in small typeface, there is a sad lament.

In my mind, the real tragedy here will probably be the reality: There are news reports and rumors asserting that he had chest pain in the past and that he hasn't sought medical attention for over a year. An easily preventable MI or stroke may have cost him his life; his family, a husband and a father; and the country, a libertarian lion. That, folks, is tragedy.

fast richard said...

Heart attack or aneurism was my first guess. I had a friend die of a heart attack at 43 and I had one at 47.

A warrior like Breitbart will be sorely missed in times to come.

Wraith said...

@ Matt:

If there were even one hint that there was foul play invovled, the Breitbart family, not to mention his old allies like Matt Drudge, et al, would hire private forensics experts to double and triple check any coroner's inquest. Every autopsy photo, slide, weight, and measurement would be analyzed probed. Heck, there'd probably hardly be a body left to bury after all the extra toxocology samples were sent out to various (private) reference labs, just to leave no stone unturned.

Yep, and everything they turned up would be called "tinfoil hat conspiracy theories," and buried by all the "reputable" news sources...INCLUDING Fox and Drudge.