Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Little Bird Told Me...

That good friend, gunsmith extraordinaire, and all around good guy Wally is finally getting his website off the ground.

York Arms.

Right now, it's in the very preliminary stages, but he's opening up a run of AR-15 receivers (his "Conspirator" line) as shown here:

(picture from York Arms website. Imma have to give Wally some tips...) :)

I've got my bid in for a receiver - I'm still serious about building a 20 - 22" barrel flattop AR for long(er) distance shooting. Contact Wally (wally (at) yorkarms (dot) com) if you're interested.

Expect to see a lot more pimping here for Wally. He does great work, trust me on this - I fired his AK-54 at last year's Northeast Bloggershoot and the fit and finish of his Franken AK was a hell of a lot better than most of the commercial kits out there (yes, I know, I'm damning with faint praise). His suppressors and FA toys are lots of fun (and the fastest way to turn money into smoke and noise), and he's a wizard with pretty much any gun issue.

Go order a receiver - Wally's creative madness must be encouraged!

That is all.


Old NFO said...

I need to think about that... Had I not just bought my BAG gun, I'd be jumping on that...

Dirt Sailor said...

I wonder if he'd be willing to do safe, calico jack, biohazard for a lower for me? I'll have to ask him in GBC.

Weer'd Beard said...

The .300 BLK Entry Gun he built was REALLY impressive. Wally, you'd best bring that to the blog shoot!