Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Flippin' Sweet!

Mark has an interview with a gentleman who owns a tank.

This is the first part in a series. Very cool stuff, thanks for sharing with us, Mark! Of course, I can't help but think of this:

"You @$$holes better move" - one of the underappreciated lines in cinematic history...

That is all.


Mark said...

Part two is posted, parts three and four will be posted by 8 am tomorrow.

Old NFO said...

Good video! :-) Envy... sigh

Mark said...

Mr. Bauer is a very engaging gentleman, and I hope in the future he would allow me to do detailed videos on all of his vehicles.

Cargosquid said...

My first thought was that, if the farmer had an AR instead of Biden's shotgun (I hereby start a meme: A double barreled shottie will be known as a "biden.") that mob would have been standing there so confidently.

And in the real world, if a mob is showing an intention to burn you out....empty the mag and reload

Angus McThag said...

Looking back at the film, "Tank". CSM Carey must have inherited a huge hunk of change or was doing some serious misappropriation.

A live M3 L/40, two M1919, and an M2HB. Plus ammo.

As old as he was, the tank could have been cheap since they were sold at scrap value once.


wv Canadnda The Canada of Epsilon Omicron VI