Sunday, March 10, 2013

How I'm Spending My Sunday...

I'm here:

With this guy:

Learning all about how to shoot defensively more efficiently. Taking the Fundamentals of Combat Focus Shooting with Matt DeVito and the crew from Down Range Firearms Training. Learning a lot, don't think I'm embarrassing myself too much, and I'll have a full report later.

Having fun turning money into noise...

That is all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Bubblehead Les. said...

Just had this picture pop into my mind of you sighting down a Moisen-Nagant Sniper Rifle at a Wehrmacht Soldier.....

Of course, it's now 62 and Sunny in my backyard... ; )

Will Brown said...

Damn, that's some funny looking sand at your shooting range. You should give some thought to raking it flat before it gets all hard and stays lumpy that way all the time.


Also, your man should consider buying a hat with a wider brim.

Old NFO said...

Enjoy, and learn good! :-)

God, Gals, Guns, Grub said...

Looks like a target-rich environment...

Dann in Ohio

Brad_in_IL said...

I named my Mosin Nagant "Miss Lyudmila" after a Ukrainian lady sniper who used a scoped 91/30 to whack 309 Nazi bastards.

Julie said...

Enjoy :)