When a man tried to rob a Dunkin’ Donuts in Connecticut on Saturday night, an employee acted quickly and stopped him with the closest weapon available -- hot coffee.
The attempted robbery happened shortly after 11 p.m. at a Dunkin' Donuts in West Haven, when a man pulled up to the drive-through and asked the clerk for change for a $100 bill, according to Sgt. David Tammaro, of the West Haven Police Department.A local radio station had an interview with the young woman - aside from the thick NY accent, she sounded pretty well-composed considering what happened. This wasn't a simple note saying "this is a robbery" - the guy actually tried to come through the drive-through window. My guess is he got a face full of piping hot Dunks when he tried to hoist himself up and into the window. In any case, that's pretty badass taking care of business right there. I certainly hope she's not fired for not complying...
In any case, it's not known if Spiccoli was around to pronouce it "totally awesome"...
That is all.
Spiccoli was getting on a plane to Venezuela to mourn his buddy.
The famed Caleb defense.
dammit I was beaten by anon.
/me hoists his cup of jamacian self defense
You know the Caleb Manouver is going to be taught at Gunsite. Rule 1. Every cup is always full Rule 2. Never point the rim of your cup at anything you're not willing to scald Rule 3. Keep your cup on the table until you are ready to pour Rule 4. Be sure of your coffee and how much cream and sugar is in it.
This is my mug.
There are many like it,but this one is MINE!
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