Monday, March 18, 2013

Sometime This Week...

The official York Arms T-shirts will begin shipping. How do they look, you ask? Well, technically you didn't; and even if you did, I couldn't hear you, but that won't stop me from posting a picture, anyways...

They came out great!

Looks sharp, doesn't it? Clean lines, the shield is centered, the rifle is crisp. Looks great next to some fine York Arms products, doesn't it? It looks even better on - and once I can figure out how to get my stupid camera to work with a timer, I'll post one... (*grumbles*)

For those so inclined, I'd love to post pictures of others wearing or displaying their York Arms shirt. If you have a York product, feel free to include that in the picture if you'd like. Group shots are certainly encouraged, too - for those of you who bought multiples to hand out to friends and sundry, of course...

So let's see those way-cool York Arms T-shirts!

That is all.


Mopar said...

^^^^^ Hopes to get a York Arms product before his state bans them all. :(

Bubblehead Les. said...

Good News!

Roger said...

Waiting for its arrival so I can photograph it with my York Arms custom AR & maybe a few more noisy toys.