Police find gun hidden in suspect’s private part
ADA, OK (KFOR/CNN) - Home of the Hercules. That's what the Dairy Lou is known for. But about 3 a.m Monday, police in Oklahoma made an unusual find in the parking lot.Now, there's a picture at the link. It's a North American Arms mini-22LR revolver, which, as firearms go, is pretty marginal all around. That said, I'd sure hate to see what would happen if she left the hammer cocked and it went off in her hoohah... Naturally, it's worth pointing out that she has a lengthy criminal record which precludes her from lawful ownership of said firearm - and yet she had one anyways, along with a bunch of meth taped to her buttocks.
Two women kicked back in a car, one had a warrant for her arrest. And a drug dog let officers know the other woman needed to be searched.
You know you've picked a real winner when she comes with meth taped to her ass and a loaded revolver in her bajinga...
That is all.
*Inert joke about fearing something that bleeds for a week straight and doesn't die*
Not impressed.
Now if it were a Desert Eagle ...
Oriented "properly" it'd be a hell of a deterrent against rape if nothing else.
Now I've got the William Huang version of She Bangs stuck in my head.
Yo momma so nasty she uses bore cleaner for her...nah, think I'll stop there.
Language NSFW: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G85y-bK-H9o
Some guy could have gone out with a bang.
Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX
My town made national news. Among other things we are famous for being the home of blake shelton, the debra sue carter murder where two guys were railroaded into prison by the local DA, having prepaid legal/legal shield founded and hq'd here, and now "very" concealed firearms.
I was thinking a fullsized roscoe though something like a tracker in 44mag or an Xframe smith.
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