Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Two Near Misses...

Two close calls, but no addition for today...

First, Joseph in IL sent this one in. It's a good 'un...

South Carolina man kicked in door, shot by homeowner, sheriff says
LANDRUM, S.C. – A South Carolina man is recovering after sheriff's deputies say he kicked in a Landrum home's door, assaulted his wife, and then was shot when he tried to get his hands on the home's owner.

The Spartanburg County Sheriff's Office says Dakota Hester is in critical condition Saturday after being shot multiple times after a Friday night rampage.

Read the story carefully. There's a reason that Hester kicked in the door to Landrum's home:
Deputies say before trying to attack Wofford, the raging Hester grabbed his wife Amy Hester around the neck and pushed her against a wall. Amy Hester was inside the home when Dakota Hester burst in.

Yeah. His wife was in the home with Landrum. It doesn't excuse him kicking the door in, mind you, but I think a case can be made for temporary insanity.

Barron sent this one in, also a close call:

Burglar in Texas gets shot with his own gun during home invasion
A home invasion on Sunday, March 17, didn’t go as planned, but instead landed the burglar in the hospital, and eventually jail, after getting shot by his own gun, according to The Houston Chronicle.

Armed with a handgun and wearing a mask, 32-year-old Richard Charles Holcombe broke into a home in Dickinson, Texas, about 25 miles northwest of Galveston. When confronted by the homeowner, the Holcombe aimed his gun at him and demanded money, jewelry and his car keys.

Apparently the burglar didn't believe that the homeowner didn't have any jewelry, so he started beating him about the head and shoulders. The homeowner used this to his advantage, grabbing his gun and shooting him with it, causing him to cease the attack. Apparently, in Texas, if you do not have a firearm handy, one will be provided to you by the goblin attacking you...

So close, twice, but no DGC...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Didn't see where it indicated the couple were up to no good and the husband was upset about it. Isn't it possible the wife sought refuge from an abusive husband with no hanky panky involved?

Jay G said...

You know, that's also a fair and plausible explanation.

It's a good thing the guy didn't expire from his wounds - I wouldn't know whether to be able to count this one or not...

Armed Texan said...

Yeah, I don't know what to think of that first one either. There is nothing in the story about the relationship between Wofford and Mrs. Hester. It could be that they were having an affair or it could be that he is just a neighbor and she happened to run to his house minutes before to escape her raging husband who followed her and acquired a few new holes for his trouble.

This is why I would counsel all men to avoid all appearance of impropriety unless there is a threat of imminent danger.

TOTWTYTR said...

You know, the gun grabbers are right. They're always saying that if you have a gun someone will just take it from you and use it against you.

TOTWTYTR said...

Being pissed off because you think your wife is screwing around with another guy isn't insanity. It's merely being pissed off because you think your wife is screwing around with another guy.

Attacking the other guy is probably not going to work in his favor either criminally or when it comes to the divorce settlement.