Thursday, March 14, 2013

You Knew I *Had* To Do It...

Mmmmm. Pie Day...

What? You never heard of a pizza pie?

That is all.


Andi said...

When the moon hits your eye like a bit PIZZA PIE... that's amore!

Irish said...

GOOD LORD>.. that looks sooo delicious!!

Thanks for ringing the bell Jay Pavlov.

Dave H said...

See? I told ya! Pi r not squared, pi r round!

Boy that looks good. I've already had pizza once this week, but I think I need a booster shot.

Brad_in_IL said...


It's also another "special" day . . . March 14 is the proto-Valentine's Day . . . steak and a you know what day !!!!!

Old NFO said...

Key lime... Just sayin...

Heath J said...

What the Naval Officer said...

.45ACP+P said...
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.45ACP+P said...

Same sort of PI at our house last night. Key Lime is great but wait until you have tried Bourbon Chess!

It is good you cannot see the drool on the keyboard....LOL