Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Oh, Those Evil Republicans...

Remember back to the shutdown? Remember how it was the eeeeevil Republicans causing the shutdown? How they were costing us soooo much money with their "stunt"? How they were "holding government hostage" because they wanted to delay ObamaCare and all that? How elderly veterans had BarryCades placed in their way to national monuments?

I'm real glad that the fedgov was spending our money responsibly during those fiscally lean times...

State Department splurged on booze before partial shutdown
While the federal government was squeezed on one side by sequester and the other by a looming partial shutdown, the State Department was spending heavily on booze for its embassies abroad.

The Washington Times reports that the department spent about $180,000 on alcohol in September and $400,000 in all of 2012 -- that's three times the $118,000 spent in 2008.
So, in the span of four years, the State Department more than tripled it's booze bill. I'm glad to see that we're really getting to the bottom of government waste and inefficiency here. I'm so glad that WWII veterans had to move BarryCades to get to the WWII memorial in the interest of "saving" money at the same time we're spending hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to serve top-shelf booze to dignitaries.

It does make you wonder, though, doesn't it? In the grand scheme of things that the federal government squanders our tax dollars on, $400K is barely the tiniest drop in the bucket. But when it was $118K just a few short years ago, you've really got to wonder why it's been increasing at such an alarming rate. I'd love to see the "justification" for such out-of-control extravagance, although we the peons will never get it.

Especially as long as we buy the line of BS that "the other party" is at fault...

That is all.

Thanks to the BLNN for this blood pressure raising tidbit...


Armed Texan said...
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Armed Texan said...

Our state department already does enough damage. Can you imagine how much more they would do if they were not snockered all the time?

"Foggy Bottom. You'll not find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."

Dave H said...

If I had to work for that administration I'd probably drink more too.

Stretch said...

State also spent $1,000,000 (yes, One Million Dollars)on a work of "art" for the London embassy.

Any bets on how much of those funds actually got funneled to Hillery's campaign?

RabidAlien said...

Heck, if I had to deal with politicians all day long, I'd probably start the morning with a healthy belt (or two) in my Cheerios, myself.

Stingray said...

I really really hate to play devil's advocate here, but how much of that is actually because in so many places "liquid finances" has a different meaning? Hell, I can damn them at the same time by pointing out that if this administration's foreign palm-greasing fun has had to go up by this much, something is highly off kilter. I've no doubt some of it is and always has been disappearing off the top, but that kind of dramatic increase tells me a different story.