Monday, February 15, 2016

So, This Happened...

I would have had this posted for Friday's car pr0n, but I was still pretty much in shock. Last Thursday, the new car had a baptism by fire...

Yeah. The plate means exactly what you think it means...

That's the result of being the last car hit in a four-car pileup on Route 66, the main east-west corridor feeding Northern VA into DC. It's been the bane of my existence for more than two years now, except now it has started escalating the stakes... Basically, a truck didn't see that traffic had stopped and rear-ended another vehicle, pushing it into the car in front of it that then hit me.

Yeah, it's a mess.

VA does things differently than in MA, and in this case, better. Back in MA, what I would have had to do in this case is file a claim against the guy behind me for damages. He, in turn, would file a claim against the person who hit him for both his damages and my damages he was responsible for. Repeat for the person behind him, until the vehicle that caused the wreck gets a claim filed against it for the vehicle it hit, plus the two vehicles in front.

There's a lot of paperwork involved. Here in VA, all three vehicles ahead of the truck go directly after the guy who started the mess. Oh, and to make things even better? A VA State Trooper was on scene as it happened - he even mentioned to me that he caught the initial impact on his dash camera...

Oh, there's another difference. Immediately after the accident, the trooper came over to my car and got my license and registration so he could fill out the paperwork. When he came back to give my info back, I started to hand him my CHP just in case. He stops me, says, "I saw it when you got your license out." and then - miracle of miracles - didn't freak out or anything. But I digress...

So now, my time is filled with appraisals, body shops and insurance companies. So far, everyone appears to be competent, but I'll reserve judgement until the car is fixed. My wife commented that I was remarkably calm about the whole thing, considering that my car is less than 6 months old and all. I guess it's a sign of age - combined with it being a very sensible RAV4 and not the Hemi Challenger in bright green that I really wanted...

Life is always interesting, if nothing else...

That is all.


Wandering Neurons said...

Well, that sucks. Your new car has lost its virginity. At least you and family weren't hurt. And I too had a I-66 accident years ago, similar issue. In both of our cases, cars were drivable. But the paperwork still sucks. And waiting on insurance interviews and reports from the other drivers.
Like the license plate though. Appropriate.

libertyman said...

Your plate is a hoot!

When my folks in Mass were in a similar type of accident, I had to file in small claims court to get the insurance company to pay the deductible, as they were in the middle so they hit someone. (Of course, because they were hit!)
You are well rid of Massachusetts.

Murphy's Law said...

Welcome to Virginia!

ProudHillbilly said...

At least you guys weren't hurt. And, gotta say, the one time I drove in Boston I had a much stronger premonition of death than I ever have had in VA...

ProudHillbilly said...

At least you guys weren't hurt. And, gotta say, the one time I drove in Boston I had a much stronger premonition of death than I ever have had in VA...

Anonymous said...

Traffic sucks. No matter how you slice it.

A sign of age? Maybe. The important thing in this kind of case is that no one got hurt. Cars are going to get in accidents if you drive them at all. And even if you don't, there are all those classic cars (Vets?) that fell into a sink hole when a museum got swallowed.

Best not to get too emotionally attached to a mechanical device.

Age? I see wisdom.

Borepatch said...

I'm glad that you're OK.

Hat Trick said...

Glad you're ok.

doubletrouble said...

Yep, me too! (Glad you're ok).

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

I never understood why you bought the house where you did when you job is in Fairfax. I used to commute 'against' traffic on 66, and it was gawdawful. Using that road on the weekends it might as well be rush hour back ups.

Old NFO said...

Cars are replaceable, you and the family aren't... Glad you're okay and it was minor.