Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Diminishing Returns...

Six months ago I drove a Dodge Ram. 

I went to a RAV4 for better gas mileage. 

I've been driving a PT Cruiser since the accident.

(this is TheBoy's car. More on that later...)

Now I have a Versa for a rental.

If *anything* else happens, they're going to have to issue me a clown car or an MG Midget...

I really hope nothing else happens...

That is all.


Armed Texan said...

Yes the mileage sucks, but carrying around all that extra steel does have its advantages.

ProudHillbilly said...

Heh. If I had to choose between the Versa and the MG I think I'd rather have the MG...

Jim said...

No, they're gonna have you drive a Domino's Delivery Car. That way, they can monetize your time in the rental.

*evil grin*

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Robert said...

And what's wrong with an MG Midget? Picture yourself wearing WWII-era goggles with a scarf trailing in the slipstream; you'd cut a dashing figure. Usta drive an Austin-Healy Bug-Eyed Sprite back in the day. Kinda miss it. In good weather.

Kermit said...

Just get with your local Shriner's and borrow one of their parade cars and be done with it...

Wandering Neurons said...

I thought that the PT Cruiser WAS a clown car...

Stretch said...

"Honey, I shrunk the cars!"

Old NFO said...

Yep, take the MG :-)

Heath J said...

The only way you're going to cleanse your soul of this involves buying either an 80's F series or full size Blazer.... Snow plow optional :D

Unknown said...

Here comes the smart car.

c-90 said...

The way things are going, your next transport will be a 2 wheeled push scooter.


Weer'd Beard said...

Oh shit, you didn't tell me it was the SEDAN!!!

The 5 door is kinda egalitarian....but the sedan...that's just an Altima that got left in the dryer too long!

wolfwalker said...

Could be worse -- you could be driving a Fiat 500.

Calling it a glorified golf cart does a great disservice to honest golf carts...

Ken O said...

I am curious how you manage in the Toyota. Given your known back issues, I cannot help but wonder if the seats affect your back. While we have Sam's sedan, at 35mpg, the seats trouble me so that we travel in the Big Ass Green Truck. Have the seats in the various vehicles played havoc with your back?