Sunday, March 25, 2007

Just for Fodder...

Since he's putting together a list of gunnies who also ride, I figured it was time to post a pic of my bike:

It's a 2003 Harley Davidson Electra Glide Standard. FLHT in the standard Harley letterclature (yeah, just made that up...). 88 cubic inch engine (1,450 ccs for you metric riders out there). Added the factory CD player and a passenger backrest, plus some chrome and leather touches since this picture was taken. It's currently in storage, so I won't have any more recent pictures for a couple of weeks. But there will be updates.

Oh, yeah, and I know... Pics of the new truck will also be forthcoming...


Anonymous said...

Gee. Nice & clean, organized garage.
Mine looks like the junk collector from hell.
How you do it?

Jay G said...

How do I do it? Easy. Take a picture of the only clean area of the garage.

Trust me, the rest of it looks like "the junk collector from hell". Only with 50% more kid stuff...

Anonymous said...

Junk collector from hell . . . I can relate. Earlier today my wife & I took six BOXES of old papers to my office . . . we gave the company shredder a good workout. Some of the stuff was more than two DECADES old.

Bruce said...

I know Jay's garage.

I've been inside Jay's garage.

And that, sir, bears no resemblance to Jay's garage.