This is an AM Arms 12 gauge side-by-side shotgun. Patent says 1870. No serial # (it was made before they were mandatory).
There are two things that make this gun extra-interesting.

1. It's a side break rather than a top break.

2. Yep. Made in Boston MA. Currently damn near anti-gun Ground Zero. But once home to a thriving arms manufacturer.
Go figure.
That is all.
She's purty !!!!! Looks like a nice piece for bustin' clays !!!
I'm not entirely certain this gun is designed to shoot "modern" (i.e. non-black-powder) ammo.
I've got a fine Stevens sbs I could use for clays, actually. Doesn't have the external hammers, but it'll get-r-done...
I don't think I've ever seen a sidebreak other than in photographs; does it play hell with your reflexes if you're bird hunting, I wonder?
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