Monday, July 2, 2007

Gunnie Funnies...

Recent developments in the PFAD (Potential Firearm Acquisition Department) got me to thinking and chuckling.

Y'see, there are three types of gunnies out there.

Say the words "Model 19". One type of gunnie thinks of this:

The second type of gunnie thinks of this:

And the last type says "You left off the last two '1's"...


Ambulance Driver said...

Now that's funny right there, I don't care who ya are. That's funny. ;)

Kevin said...

*Snork* :D

Ride Fast said...

Jay, those two guns aren't M1911's. You must have mis-posted. I don't know what those other two guns are, I think one of them is a revolutions or a revolving, or something.

Glad to help out there, buddy.

Jay G said...

Okay, I know I've done something right when I can get AD to chuckle.

And a comment from Kevin? Bonus.

Fodder, I'm going to put you down as a Type III gunnie, then...


(FTR, I'm a Type I)..

AnarchAngel said...

Guilty on counts 1 and 3 maybe?

Anonymous said...

Is that your Model19 and are you looking to sell it?

John S said...

Possibly a type IV? I thought of an M1919 .30 cal machine gun...

Nate said...

Thats' a great funny. Color me a Type I & Type III.

The Conservative UAW Guy said...


All of the above.
Ya know, the right gun for the right purpose (or mood).

NotClauswitz said...

What's with all the newfangled stuff, I say 19...'09?

7.62x54r said...

I thought you transposed the numbers.

Mark said...

I'm a Type III meself. John Moses Browning made one heck of a pistol :)

The Old Man said...

Type III is what I be. Tho' the wheelgun looks good.

Anonymous said...

I thought everyone thought about these things.

And you forgot the Browning Model 1919.

Anonymous said...


When I started reading the post I didn't even think about #2.

Which is all the worse because we got one in the safe...

Jay G said...

Wow. It's amazing what resonates with folks. Got some major linky-love from Tam for this one, and thank you all for stopping in.

I didn't include the M1919 belt-fed or dyslexic Model 91 because I was thinking handguns (I'm a handgunner at heart; I think it comes from growing up in a cop family).

But those are also excellent choices.

I'm definitely a Type I - My wheelguns outnumber my autoloaders by at least an order of magnitude.

But I love 'em all. And I will persist in my program to get these evil guns off the streets...

...And into my safes... :)

HollyB said...

Type III here. I LOVE me some Colts. And the BHPs have a special place in my heart, too.

Old NFO said...

Hmmm, that's interesting, since I have a shoot all three on a regular basis... what does that make me, other than a gun nut???

Ace said...

Good one. heheheheh

I'm a Type III myself.