Friday, September 14, 2007

A New Wrinkle...

Okay, so the usual level of idiocy apparently wasn't enough.

Random brake-stompers? Yawn.

3 micron tailgaters? So yesterday.

Blowing through stop signs? Old news.

What's the new wrinkle today, you ask?

Well... Coming up on the (illegal alien) landscaping crew whose dumptruck and 20+' landscaping trailer are already taking up a good third of the two-lane road, when I see Miguel in the back of the dump body emptying a garbage can of grass clippings.

He then proceeds to through the empty barrel OUT INTO TRAFFIC. Yes, even with the truck and trailer taking up a good chunk of the travel lane, he felt compelled to throw the barrel out of the truck INTO TRAFFIC rather than onto the lawn.

I had to slam on my brakes and pray that the guy behind me didn't stuff into me. I took a second to compose myself, realized that anything I said would most likely:

a) not be understood; and
b) be construed as a "hate crime";

so I did what any other red-blooded American male driving a full-sized pickup truck would have done:

I ran the fucking barrel over.

That is all.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A hate crime? Perish the thought. Just follow the lead of our Governor . . . what the world needs is more understanding of our fellow man . . . don't you know that our lack of understanding is what caused Benitez del Toro to toss his trash can into the oncoming traffic? Hmmmmm? Have you been living inside of cave or something? Yeesh.

Anonymous said...

Oh - excellent! Maybe I need a truck.

BobG said...

Should have called the police; beside littering it is illegal to deliberately toss things into traffic that could cause an accident.

Anonymous said...

Nice job. In a perfect world the replacement barrel will come out of his taco and cerveza money.


Kevin said...

pictures man, we need pictures!

Good job, hope the truck is OK.

Jay G said...


No kidding. Deval "Give 'em a hug" Patrick probably would have forced me to give the guy my lunch money...


I was just so taken aback by the complete and utter lack of common sense. I mean, language barrier aside - if I were dropped into Sierra Leone and put on a garbage truck, I'd know enough not to chuck barrels into oncoming traffic. This was either laziness, contempt, or a little of both.


We're in MA, specifically in a tony little 'burb outside of Boston. Had I called the cops,

A) They wouldn't have done anything; and
B) Once again, I'd be in danger of being charged with a hate crime.

I mean, it's not my place to tell people not to throw large objects into traffic. Maybe that's a sign of respect on their homeworld?


No kidding. However, I didn't see anything resembling a supervisor, so most likely it'll get swept aside...


It was a plastic barrel, and I've got 20" rims and a nice chrome step bar. No danger to the truck; believe me, I wouldn't risk it...

knitalot3 said...

Oopsie! Glad the truck is okay.

SpeakerTweaker said...

I'da paid to see that.

I know the feeling. I see it daily. I live in South Texas. Illegals don't understand English too well, but they do understand big angry white guy and evil looks.

Course, there's always like 72 of them (only one truck that day) and one of you. What are you gonna do...


Kevin said...

"It was a plastic barrel, and I've got 20" rims and a nice chrome step bar. No danger to the truck; believe me, I wouldn't risk it..."

Good! But I still wanna see pictures :)

Anonymous said...

Next week, find an INS cap and keep it handy for your next encounter. That way you might be able to return any objects that fall out of their truck without being concerned with a rude reaction.

You have a nice site here Jay, found it via Bruce!