Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Good News and Bad News...

First, the good news: Fugitive accused of raping child caught. They got the sick SOB.

The bad news:
LAS VEGAS - A fugitive accused in the videotaped molestation of a 3-year-old girl was arrested quietly during a traffic stop, telling the officer, "I'm tired of running," police said.

You fucking pussy. All that talk about "they're not gonna take me alive" was a steaming load of bullshit, wasn't it?

*sigh* Well, we can always hope he'll "mistakenly" get sent to general population...


Maven said...

How EFFing anti-climactic!

One can hope he'll be bought and sold for a 1/2 pack of Luckys first moment his ass hits the cell block!

knitalot3 said...

I just hope he never, ever, gets out (alive).

Maybe he'll have a tragic traffic accident on the way to the jail, one car accident with no one else hurt.

SpeakerTweaker said...

You know, I haven't even heard about this (I don't catch the news much these days. It's embarrassing), but I'll save myself the anguish of having to read about it. After all, The Little Girl is only 4 and there's some thoughts I'd as soon not have.

If he DOES get convicted (and let's pray to all holiness that he does), they'll have to keep him in solitary for life for him to have a prayer. Even then, he's gotta come out sooner or later.

And when he does...



Strings said...

I say he should be donated to science while "in". He could be used to answer the questions of a)"Is it possible to rape someone to death?", and b)"If so, how long does it take?".

I had a copy of the original poster sent out to ID this fuck and his victim. She's just the cutest lil' girl, whose only concern at this point in life should be "what colour dress should I put on my dolly". Instead, she has to live with what Fucker (hopefully, soone to be "Fuckee") did to her... >:(

Jay G said...


Make you make copies of that poster for your next range excursion...