Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Go. Read. Now.

Breda of The Breda Fallacy has a thoughtful piece about a school shooting that happened in her hometown. It happened years ago, but recent events in the news have caused her to remember the victims and think about her current situation.

Her title is "It Happened Here", which got me thinking of a similar incident in my hometown. Beth Brodie was a cheerleader, a member of the band, and one of my sister's closest friends. She was dating a guy named Rich, a football player. They broke up, he took it in less-than-stoic fashion, and decided in the time-honored tradition of cowardly subhumans that if he couldn't have her, no one could.

So he bashed in her skull with a baseball bat. In less time than it took me to write this post, a young girl lost her life to a jealous ex-boyfriend. Her life ended; he went to jail (and given that this is Massa-fucking-chusetts it wouldn't surprise me if he's been released already); that entire circle of friends has been dealing with this horrible incident for 15 years.

Bottom line: It's not the tool. It's the person wielding the tool. And unless and until we can recognize every potential killer out there, I will continue to arm myself with the best tools I can to prevent this from happening to me or mine.

That is all.


knitalot3 said...

I still think there is a huge gap in the logic.....

People who have concealed carry permits don't seem to be the ones committing the murders of innocent people.

If you can't/don't arrest the criminals *and* keep them off the streets by enforcing the laws we have, how will more legislation help.

Preaching to the choir....

breda said...

thank you for linking!

I love your blog, keep up the good work!

Jay G said...


Yeah, I was going to mention something about preaching to the converted, actually. :)


You've got a really good post up there (among many other really good posts, I might add). And thanks for the compliment. :)

Anonymous said...

Actually, although your point is well taken, the murderer never dated Beth. They were causual friends. In trial it was made clear that the murderer killed Beth so he could be remembered as he committed suicide (which he never did).
He choose her becuase she was nearby and could not fight back.

This case is more a reflection on how the media talks too much about evil people, making them celebrities. The murderer was clear about this.

Thanks for remembering Beth though, We were close and I remember her still.