Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Guess I Picked The Wrong Day...

...to stop getting pissed off every time I follow a link.

Jesus H. Tap-Dancing Christ. What the flying fuck is wrong with people?

No Hugs Allowed at Ill. Middle School
OAK PARK, Ill. - If you need a hug, you won't get it at Percy Julian Middle School. Principal Victoria Sharts banned hugging among the suburban Chicago school's 860 students anywhere inside the building. She said students were forming "hug lines" that made them late for classes and crowded the hallways.

First off, I'm guessing that Principal Shart has a lifetime of baggage from being named after the combination of "shit" and "fart", but I digress...

Secondly, "hug lines" make me suspect that there's more to this story than Principal stripey pants lets on - if there's ANY activity that's making students late for class, it's a sign that you have lost fucking control of the kids, not that they need to stop the activity. Perhaps you need to start actually DISCIPLINING the kids rather than banning hugs.

Gah. Are we that far gone? Really?

I'm thinking I need to buy more ammo...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read that yesterday and you have pretty much nailed my reaction to this incredibly stupid story. Good Lord. These liberal idiots - whenever something is going wrong... instead of fixing the problem, they just "ban" it. ARG!!!