Saturday, October 6, 2007

Like The Moment When The Brakes Lock...

...and you slide towards the [dividing island]...

Had a close call tonight. Came off 95 and was paying more attention to the traffic I was merging with than to the curve of the off-ramp. Wound up heading straight for the dividing island; cut the wheel back and hydroplaned, just kept going. With the wonders of four wheel disc brakes, managed to get the speed down enough to get the wheels back on the pavement and straightened everything out before the rubber left the road.


We weren't going terribly fast, maybe 40 - 45 MPH. Worst that might have happened would have been blowing out two tires and possibly damaging the rims and/or alignment.

But man... That rush of adrenaline is something, ain't it???


dr mac said...

If you don't start driving more defensely I'm am going to give you a "Wish you had a watermelon" on your hairless head because I can't read one of my favorite bloggers.

Got that ?

dr mac said...

Can you tell I'm from Holland ?

dr mac said...

Can you tell I'm from Holland ?

dr mac said...

.....and stutter.

knitalot3 said...

I'm glad you're okay. We got about 4 inches of snow yesterday. I didn't leave the house. First snow with all the freaks, not a good thing for driving....

Jay G said...

dr mac,

I'm usually a very defensive driver - I have to be. Not only do I ride a motorcycle (where the safest thing to do is automatically assume that people are actively trying to kill you), but I live in MA, home to some of the worst drivers on the planet.

And I encounter every single one of them every day. Sometimes twice.

It just goes to show that even a second's inattention can have disasterous consequences...


SNOW?!?!?!?! This early? Do you live in the mountains, or the Arctic circle? *g*

Remind me to send the eeeevil Haliburton weather machine up your way for some extra warmth... ;)

knitalot3 said...

The mountains are very close, but I don't think they got as much snow as we did in the valley.

It snowed so fast and so heavy that trees were damaged and power lines went down for several hours.