Monday, October 8, 2007

Monday, Monday...

But it's not a regular Monday today, no...

I have today off in honor of Evil Dead European White Male Oppressor Day, also known as Columbus Day. Yes, MA is one of the few states which celebrates Columbus Day, which is pretty amusing when you consider just how PC MA is and how un-PC it is to celebrate a dead white European male... But then again, it gives everyone a day off, and the Force unions are strong in this state...

So, Happy Evil Dead European White Male Oppressor Columbus Day! Only an Italian could get lost and wind up discovering a new country... ;)


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I found that really amusing when I moved here. Having lived all my life in the midwest, where Columbus Day isn't really noticed much, I was astounded at how "big" the weekend is - seems wrong somehow with all the liberal lefties in this state. Then again - any excuse not to go to work - right? heh.

BobG said...

Never had Columbus Day off at any job I've ever had.

knitalot3 said...

Cool! Me too. Hope you have a good day off.

Jay G said...

I had an excellent day off, thanks. Celebrated Evil Dead White European Male Oppressor Day with flinging copious amounts of lead downrange. Nothing says "Yay Columbus" like a lever-action rifle...