Thursday, December 20, 2007

I'm Confused...

{peanut gallery: So what else is new?}

Watching TV this morning during my workout, there's a rash of political ads (since we're on the NH border and all...)

This latest one, with Hillary! and her mom? What's the point? Because, I gotta tell ya, watching the ad with no sound, it sure looks like the message is "Vote for Hillary or her mom comes to live with YOU"...

(And, in the spirit of non-partisanship, whenever I see Mitt and his boyz cavorting in one of his ads, all I can think of is "Vote for Mitt or one of the Ken dolls gets it"...)

That is all...


Anonymous said...

Hillary and her mother ...

So basically it's the mummy and the mommy

Anonymous said...

I think Hillary's mom looks younger then Hillary.