Thursday, January 17, 2008

I... HATE... PEOPLE...

Alrighty folks. Monday I didn't even leave the house because I *knew* it was going to stink on ice.

But today? Snow's been gone for 3 days now. Roads are not only clear, but dry in most spots. There is no reason to drive like timid sheep any more. Honest.

Ran into both ends of the spectrum on the drive to work this morning:

*The Saturn that insisted on traveling 15 MPH below the speed limit, slowing even further for every turn, twist, and/or bump in the road.

*The Civic that was so close to my rear bumper that I couldn't even see the HOOD, let alone headlights. I have no idea what makes people do stupid things. One stomp on the brakes and that Honda was going to be in a new weight class: Cars sheared in half at the hood line...

We also had:

*The Ford Exploder that could not for the life of it decide how to handle the rotary (what others call "roundabouts" or "traffic circles"). Newsflash: The car in the rotary has the right of way. Not the car a ¼ mile from the rotary. Once you are in the rotary, you have the right of way. DO NOT STOP because someone is approaching the rotary. All you're going to do is test my brakes and patience...

*The Little Lexus that couldn't stop. Well, I think "couldn't" is the wrong word. I think "didn't think it had to" is a better choice, as it slowed down from 45 to 40 MPH (in a thickly settled area) as it blew past the stop sign.

Dodge horns are loud. As are Dodge drivers when they are forced to cross the double yellow line rather than mate with a smaller vehicle.

She's lucky her windows were rolled up tight, because otherwise her kids would have learned some new and naughty words today...

That is all...


Rustmeister said...

Tailgaters hate it when you turn on your lights.

They think it's brakes, and slow down. Sometimes.

Weer'd Beard said...

That's a great idea rustmeister, I'm gonna try that in the near future!

BTW, every time I see a HORRID driver I think of you, Jay : ]