Thursday, January 17, 2008

Misleading Headlines...

I hate shit like this. Here's the headline:
Hungry Teen Faces Felony After Trying to Steal Cheeseburger

Here's the gist of the story:
TAMPA, Fla. — A teenage girl is facing felony charges after walking into a Burger King with a knife and trying to steal a cheeseburger, Tampa police said.

The girl — who had recently been released from the county Juvenile Assessment Center — told authorities she was hungry when she wielded a kitchen knife and demanded the cheeseburger.

The girl is now facing charges of felony armed burglary, felony armed robbery and violation of home detention.

See, it's what they DON'T tell you that's important. You read that headline and think, WTF, someone's getting charged with a felony for stealing a $2 cheeseburger? We really are living in Bush's vision of a police state, aren't we?

Then you read on, and it's not just simple theft, it's felony armed robbery. Had she reached over the counter and grabbed the cheeseburger, there'd be no story. Not to mention the recent release from incarceration, coupled with violation of parole. Note, too, the eeeevil assault weapon used. Time to ban Henckels!

(I'll pass on the obvious "I NO Can Haz Cheezburgr" angle...)


BobG said...

"Have It Your Way©".

Steven C. said...

If the teen had used a BB gun, the headline would read "Deranged assault-weapon-wielding teen terrorizes a burger king!!!!!!!1!1!!"

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when they stop making whoppers for a day.

Weer'd Beard said...

Also how hungry could she be having just gotten out of a Juvenile facility. Not like we're dumping many skinny inmates on the streets these days...