Friday, January 18, 2008

(Little) People Unclear on the Concept...

Heh. This was too cute to pass up...

Talking to my son this morning, I asked him what his plans were for his long weekend (Monday's MLK holiday, and, gee, the school just HAPPENS to have "teacher in-service" day today which gives them today off as well. I'm certain it's a coincidence that it gives them a four day weekend...)

He looked at me for a second, shrugged his shoulders, and replied, "I dunno. Probably be a potato chip."

It took me a second to realize he meant "couch potato".

And no, I don't know where he got that phrase...

That is all.


Ken said...

Heh. My oldest once announced that Cool-Whip was made of ghosts.

breda said...

Aw! A chip off the old couch potato! That's too cute.

Jay G said...


My daughter calls it "Whoooooop Cream". Very cute. Almost as cute as "made of ghosts"...


That's the weird thing - I am most decidedly not a couch potato. I'd go so far as to say I actively LOATHE television, and were it not for my children and my extensive Star Trek/Simpsons/Family Guy/etc. DVD collection I'd not have one in my house...

RW said...

Yesterday morning my son got out of the bathtub, walked into my bedroom from the master bathroom (they always get dressed in my room), got right next to me, took off his towel, turned around, bent over & pointed at his butt & said "hey, Dad, whatta ya think about this?"

Part of me wants them to never grow up.