Monday, March 3, 2008

Monday Morning Commute Conundrum...

Do I:

a) Pick up the pace so I can get to work quickly and hit the head, voiding the morning's coffee which is urgently working its diuretic magic,


b) Slow down even more so the self-important jackass in the Volvo SUV backs the fuck off my tailgate?

Decisions, decisions...

On other fronts, Saturday's excursion to the gun show was fruitful. Scored some seriously good ammo deals ($12/box of 50 .38 special JHPs!), chatted with a bunch of good folks from Northeastshooters forum, and found a super-special, über-rare addition to the G. armory... {/tease}

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Definitely slow down for the benefit of the self-important jackass in the volvo. And I say this as a "recovering" volvo driver to boot.

SpeakerTweaker said...

U R teh suck.

Releese informashun now, plzkthx.

Come on man, do tell!!!

I'll make it easy. Check out Sunday's post over at my place. I got new boomstick, too!


Jay G said...

Heh. You *know* what I got, tweaker.

Good talkin' to you last night, BTW. Thanks for the call.