Friday, February 29, 2008

Snow's Not the Only Thing Comin' Tomorrow...

There's also a gun show... Ah, the gun show. Where else can one find overpriced military surplus arms, Third Reich memorabilia, and spicy venison jerky under the same roof?

Yes, tomorrow I'll be jostling elbows with the rest of the gun-nut universe, searching in vain for the one dealer out of the whole room who's actually pricing his firearms in US dollars, not yen... I'll most likely pick up some (insanely high-priced) ammo, a couple containers of hot sauce, and possibly a holster or speedloader or two.

And who knows? Maybe Baby Vulcan will smile on me and I'll have something new for the armory...


breda said...

I'm going to a gun show tomorrow too! Looking forward to some jerky!

Rabbit said...

You forgot fake gold jewelry, NASCAR memorabilia, repro tin signs, and Beanie Babies.
Yeah, I went to Market Hall in Dallas last month.


Anonymous said...

See if you can find me the email address or website of a vendor that has one of those giant 16inch Bowie knives with black blade.

I saw one at a gunshow in upstate NY once for only $18.

Send me an email if you find out where I can order one for my anti-terror gear.


New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

Yay, the Fun Show!