Thursday, March 27, 2008

Uh, No...

I gotta throw the bullshit flag on this play:

Looking good, dude, head to toe
Don't call them metrosexuals.

"That's a dated expression and concept," said Judy Fogarty, manager of swanky new men's salon Barbershop Lounge, which recently opened on Newbury Street. "Men taking care of the way they look is much more the norm now."

Yes, the number of men who own a moisturizer or two and, heck, maybe even a bronzer is on the rise, which may explain the success of several men's salons that have opened here in the past couple of years.

Well, you know, them pussy-whipped mama's boys have to have somewhere to go when their girlfriends allow them to come shopping with them...

The part that jumped out at me was this, though:
Besides hairstyling, Barbershop Lounge offers straightedge razor shaves, facials, pedicures, massages, and manicures. There's even a $5 shoeshine. Memberships are available.
Back up the metrosexual truck for a second. If you are getting a facial, pedicure, or manicure, I'm sorry, you'll have to leave your testicles at the door.

Nope, ain't gonna fly. No matter how you look at it, men don't need to go to a salon to look their best. And, for the record, neither do women. If your "beauty" comes from dropping 2 or 3 large on a spa for "help", let's face it - you ugly...

That is all.


RW said...

Hmmmm....about the only thing listed that I'd be close to infringing is moisturizer, but in my case I use basic hand lotion on a constant basis because, oh yeah, I have psoriasis & if I don't then I'll literally bleed all over the place, especially when I do dangerous things like....knock on doors (yep, it's that bad).

Other than that I can stand alongside the other real men & attest that those guys are fags, as Jeff Spicoli would say. (that was humor for all the delicate 'homophobe' chargers out there)


Jay, go to youtube & search for a decent version of Brad Paisley's "I'm still a guy"'s the perfect song to use in response to this story. Find one where the words are clear because it's hilarious.

Jay G said...

I'm sure you noticed I excluded moisturizer, as I have the same problem you do. In fact, as I type this I have bandages on my left ring finger and my right thumb because the skin has gotten so dry that it has cracked and bled...

But a FACIAL? C'mon... If you're a man, there's only one meaning for facial, and you do NOT get one...

Mr Weebles said...

Up here in New Hampshire, we have a name for guys like those described in that article.

We call them "women."

Jay G said...

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there...

breda said...

Men who wear bronzer....horrifying.

BobG said...

Hairstyling? I don't have any hair.

Straightedge razor shaves? I've been using a safety razor since I was 13, why change now?

Bronzer? Get outside once in a while.

Pedicure? They're toenails; just clip 'em. You can't see them with your boots on anyway.

Who are these guys, anyway?

knitalot3 said...

You crack me up!!! I don't think I would be attracted to a "metro".

Anonymous said...

Straight Razor shaves: worth every penny. Doubly so paying some one _else_ to use the razor. I think my barber charges 15 bucks for a shave.

Shoes shined while I'm getting my trim and shave: I could probably deal with that, although I'm not sure the average shine guy wants a pair of muddy Carlina boots to deal with.

The rest of that crap I can live with out.


Weer'd Beard said...

hehhee, I avoid moisturizer unless I have red raw skin and my wife makes me (I hate how it feels) I cut my own hair and beard with a $30 pair of clippers from Target.

And I dress poorly!

Proud of it. This is how men should look and chicks dig it!


Anonymous said...

Second the suggestion to go listen to "I'm Still A Guy" - this one doesn't have any fancy graphics, but the sound is clear and they have the lyrics in the comment field:

"Yeah with all of these men linin' up to get neutered
It's hip now to be feminized
I don't highlight my hair
I've still got a pair
Yeah honey, I'm still a guy"

Hmm... hand lotion. Well, yeah... don't like the chapped thing. It's painful...

I pay for a hair cut, trim my beard with a $20 trimmer, shave what little I shave with a 10 year old Norelco, trim my nails with a $3 nail clipper (when I'm not filing them with a Leatherman tool)... and the only facial that I'm familiar with I sure wouldn't want to get!!!

Anonymous said...

Easy there big fella's.

I got talked into a pedicure once. It is more pleasing than you might think to let a gorgeous woman caress and sand your feet.

I was the only man (I use the term loosely) in the place and the women got a big kick out of it.

They painted my toenails with some kind of clear shit and that was back in August of last year. My toenails still shine!

I once let my kids paint my toenails red while I was kicked back in the recliner watching a football game. Forgot all about it until I was in town the next day (wearing sandals), looked down and thought OOPS!

But that is one advantage to being 6'1" tall and weighing in at 275 lbs. What folks think and what they say are usually two different things :-)

GeorgeH said...

Most of this isn't too different than an old fashioned barbershop of the first half of the century.

Well, except for the pedicure.

Every barbershop had a shine stand to get your boots or shoes done, and almost all had a manicurist and offered steams or singes ie. facials before your shave. They all had at least a hundred hair tonics, after shaves and colognes to choose from.

Having a pretty woman hold your hand and make small talk while your hair is cut sure beats listening to the barber.

In the '50s I saw a lot of hard working farmers or cowboys who only got to town once a week get the full treatment when they did.