Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Last night I was fortunate enough to attend a party for a good friend's 10th wedding anniversary. While shooting the breeze with my friend (this is a buddy I've known since high school; he was my best man and I his; he's also been part of the "Greatest Camping Trip in the History of Western Civilization" and the infamous TGIFriday's bar fight...), the conversation got around to the price of gas. The natural grousing ensued, with the inevitable lament of "if we went to war for oil, why are we paying $4 a gallon?"

Well, this got me to thinking... And I was inspired:

The idea struck me as funny. So I felt the need to create & share...

(I also found I have a new lurker... My buddy's blushing bride of 10 long-suffering years admitted to reading my inane rantings... Hi B!)

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Hey jay,

great you and the little woman could make the party, my very sweet hubby, planned and organized all by himself!!!


NotClauswitz said...

Hey, gas is only 9.34$/gal in Germany (or was back in March)! At least we're not paying +70% in gas taxes to support a failed welfare-state...

Anonymous said...

Bush's friends in the oil industry and his best friends in Saudi are raking in record profits. Largely due to speculators bidding up the price of oil due to the general level of insecurity in the middle east due to the war in Iraq. We didn't go to war for oil, but Bush sure did, oil profits that is. Do you really think Bush cares what you pay at the pump?

Jay G said...


We wouldn't have missed it for anything. Thanks for dropping by!


Gee, I'm not the only one to have that reaction to the "prices are higher in Europe" line of thinking...


Yeah, that's it. It's all about the eeeevil oil companies. Should we implicate the enviro-nazi greenies for not allowing new refineries to be built nor new exploration to be made?

Complex problems rarely have simple solutions. Taking profits away from the oil companies isn't going to reduce dependence, nor is it going to affect their bottom line.

Besides, I thought it was one of those "progressive" ideas to make gas so expensive that people started buying smaller cars and driving less, thereby saving the planet?

That sound you hear is the goalposts moving yet again...

Anonymous said...

The enviro-greenies are playing another roll in this game. The EPA requires something like 27 different blends of gasoline depending upon time of year. Each time a refinery needs to change blends they have to shut down. Shutting down means reduced supply, which means higher price. I'm all for clean emmissions -- but lets at least be sensible. Maybe five or eight blends instead of 27. My $0.02.

- Brad

breda said...


Oil - do want!!

doubletrouble said...

I lol on that one Jay.

It kills me when some maroon starts spouting off about the "war for oil".
All I can think of is- doesn't this asshat ever buy petroleum products????

Oh, & dirtcrashr?


Anonymous said...

I don't think anybody in the world knows why we went to war.

I think Israoil sums it up nicely.

I just cannot make myself believe than an oil-soaked administration and the tripling of prices are unrelated.

But I don't see the oil industry as evil. Hell. Any business that can triple its prices and still sell as much product as they can produce would be a fool not to do that.

Capitalism. Where the name of the game is to take more out of the hat than you put in it.

God's greatest idea.

NotClauswitz said...

Titan, a moon of Saturn, is made of frozen hydrocarbons - why aren't we up there gettin' some?
Space-war for oil!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Nah Dirtcrashr. Taking freedom and democracy to the Titanians is much more important.