Wednesday, June 4, 2008

So It's Come to This...

Barack "Cute & Fuzzy Bunnies" Obama vs. John McCain.

Sheesh. Talk about a shit sandwich.

Here's some predictions about this matchup based on years of following politics as a spectator sport:

1. Watch for Obama's "experience" (or lack thereof) to be spun as an advantage. The phrase "least qualified candidate to ever run for President", which was used to describe George Bush in 2000, will not appear. Even though Obama's only served 3 years in the US Senate (with a good half of that time spent campaigning for President), his experience will be sufficient, whereas Bush's two terms as Governor of the third largest state in the union was not.

2. Military service will be either totally ignored or turned into a negative. Watch for a complete and utter 180ยบ turn from the "chickenhawk" meme as John McCain is turned into a "warmonger" based on his "need for revenge" from his time in Vietnam (which, they will harp, was a hundred bazillion years ago so they can focus on just how oooollllllddd McCain is).

3. We need to leave poor Michelle Obama alone, but Cindy McCain's tax returns will become more important that the Rose Law Firm records.

4. McCain will be painted ad nauseum as a far-right extremist (although his record in the Senate hardly supports it), whereas Obama will be the "centrist" (despite being ranked as one of the most liberal members of the Senate).

5. The media will continue the lovefest with Obama and forget allll about how much of a "Maverick" John McCain is/was. In fact, look for McCain's "Maverick" status to be turned into a negative.

Not looking forward to this one, folks. Because even if by some miracle McCain manages to win in November, we're still stuck with John McCain...


Bruce said...

Buymoreammo '08!

The only candidate who won't screw you over for a dollar.

Anonymous said...

I would rather be stuck with Obama.

Jay G said...

Come to MA and see what a clusterfuck Deval Patrick made here and then tell me you want Obama, Buck.

Deval Patrick, who had more experience for the office of Governor than Obama has for President, has managed to get shot down in MA - where the legislature is 90% Democratically controlled.

The man submitted a budget that relied on revenue from casinos that hadn't been approved for construction yet, let alone up and running and providing revenue.

Obama's running an identical campaign of empty rhetoric and no specifics to the campaign that elected Patrick

If he doesn't scare you, he should.

And believe me, McCain scares me as well.

But at least McCain doesn't want to ban all semi-automatic weapons and ban concealed carry at the Federal Level. And he doesn't think I'm bitter or clingy...

RW said...

Can't believe you left off the most obvious one:

*If you don't support the messiah, the new-age black Jesus who will deliver us from all ills that strike the land, plus cure your diseases and give you lots of free stuff to be paid for by "that other guy" who really doesn't deserve it, well, you're a racist. You bigoted racist. Cracker racist, you racist."

Or, something along those lines. Somewhere between hopeyness and changiness are a bunch of racists who don't want the savior to win. Buncha effing racists.

Weer'd Beard said...

Jay, also note that Obama acolytes will do their best to make McCain and Bush look like the same person....yet Patrick and Obama only resemble eachother in skin color *you racist*

and of course god forbid Barack or Michelle say ANYTHING racist, anti-American, or genrally stupid and it gets the coverage it deserves, there will be an outcry about the "Right Wing Media"

I hate John McCain, but at least he doesn't play stupid games like these tools!

Anonymous said...

You choose your shit sandwich.

I'll choose mine.

And at the end of the day we will all dine on a shit sandwich of some kind.

I do get a kick out of the fact that after only 3 years in the Senate (most of that spent running for President) Obama is the devil incarnate.

McCain has spent a lifetime being a tool. Let's give somebody else a turn.

Jay G said...

I never said he was evil, Buck. I said he was inexperienced.

If he wins, he'll be in WAAAAAYYYY over his head.

Just like Deval Patrick.

He'll have a compliant Congress.

Just like Deval Patrick.

He'll have a supplicant media.

Just like Deval Patrick.

He'll have bloodthirsty enemies just waiting for the first sign of weakness.

Just like Dev... Wait. The Governor of Massachusetts doesn't have to worry so much about enemies of the state, does he?

Obama's long on talk and short on walk. And what little walk he has doesn't make him out to be ready for prime time IMHO.

Don't get me wrong - McCain's a LOOONG way from my ideal choice.

Hell, he's not in the top 10. Or 100, for that matter.

But Obama ranks slightly lower than my own state senator who, BTW, has more experience than Obama...

President of the United States of America is not a job for someone with a resume as light as Barack Obama (who has still managed to write not one but two books about himself. Go figure).

And, getting back to my single issue, the thought of Barack "Ban Semi-automatic firearms" Obama working with Nancy Pelosi and Diane "Mr. and Mrs. America, turn 'em [guns] in" Feinstein scares the shit out of me...

Lindsey said...

You're right. The primaries are the time when the media gets to pretend. Right before the voters show up and elect the white, southern govenor. I'll take McCain over the other guy but it'd be nice to for FOR someone instead of AGAINST his opponent.

JD said...

we are in for a very long few months until we pick our fate. . . Why does this remind me of the end of Ghostbusters when they are asked to pick their doom. "It just poped in there - something from my childhood that could never harm me. . . ." Obama is the Stay Puff Marsh mellow man. . .

Our one hope is the SCOTUS may rule our way on the Second Amendment and at least shut them down on that front, not that we will have the money to do anything but at least we will still have arms to fight when they bring in the UN. . . .

RW said...

jd pointed to what could actually be the lasting legacy of Bush - other than a failed second term on Carteresque levels - that being the appointments of Roberts & Alito to the USSC.

We're starting to see the ramifications, already. I'm a firm believer that we 'the people' can fix whatever mistakes that we make (see '94 versus Clinton and '06 versus Bush for examples on both sides) and if "the worst" (IMO) happens and Obama has huge majorities in both houses we could re-do 1994 and win back both houses in '10.....but those USSC appointments are freaking huge.

We can deal with Sandra Day O'Conners disappointing us and we can deal with Souters and Kennedys being 'turncoats' on various issues, what we can't deal with are ACLU diehard party-line nutcases like Ruth Bader Ginsburg giving the constitution the finger while writing decisions that Keith Olbermann would be proud to read as a 'speshul comment'.

Of course, I type all that & can foresee McCain putting someone like Lindsey Graham up....

Anonymous said...

I am too lazy to do the research but if memory serves me correctly past research has shown that the Supreme Court has had more Republican appointees than Democratic appointees since I was born 50 years ago. I think the court was either 6-3 to 7-2 with Republican appointees when Roe vs Wade was decided.

I don't buy the inexperienced angle. The Founding Fathers decided that being 35 years old and a natural born citizen was all the resume you needed.

No mention of having to have fed at the public trough for a lifetime or even a law degree required.

As long as the President surrounds himself or herself with capable people the job can get done.

The Republicans have had eight years to show their stuff. I've seen it. I've seen enough of it.

I am ready and willing and able to roll the dice. Give the rookie a shot at it.

Think of how great talk radio will be for the next 4 years! No more defending the indefensible. All of a sudden fiscal responsibility and limited government will be important again.

At least until another Republican takes the helm.

Jay G said...

I'm sorry, I'm not willing to risk another eight year vacation from history, thank you very much.

Not to mention the ass-pounding I'm going to take as a gun owner if we elect a declared gun grabber along with San Fran Nan, Chucky Schumer, and the Bobsey twins from CA...

Anonymous said...

Hey! Third largest? Texas is the second largest state in the Union, in both population and size, thankyouverymuch.

Jay G said...


M'bad. I thought Texas was third behind CA and NY. Mea culpa!

Anonymous said...

Jay, I've printed out your prognostication and have pinned it to the wall, here in my office.

I shall diligently print out each MSN article which validates your predictions.

Which I will then use in a presumptively futile attempt to bash sense into such libtards with who I have the misfortune of calling 'co-workers'.

I'm that sure that you'll be proven right in each and every one of them.

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX