Thursday, June 5, 2008

Why I'm Voting Against Obama, Part 1

From a link @ Jeff's place:

Where they stand: Obama, McCain on the issues


McCain: Voted against ban on assault-type weapons but in favor of requiring background checks at gun shows. Voted to shield gun-makers and dealers from civil suits.
"I believe the Second Amendment ought to be preserved — which means no gun control."

Obama: Voted to leave gun-makers and dealers open to suit. Also, as Illinois state lawmaker, supported ban on all forms of semiautomatic weapons and tighter state restrictions generally on firearms.

(Emphasis mine).

'Nuff said. I'll take "background checks at gun shows" over total ban on semi-automatic weapons any day.

is all.


Anonymous said...

How about Bob Barr?

Mr. Crow said...

I hope Obama doesn't point his "change" light on our bitter, clingy sport.

Jay G said...


I dunno. I just have a fundamental problem with Bob "Let's fuck with what people do behind closed doors" Barr being the Liber-fucking-tarian Party nominee. DOMA? Drug war? and he's their candidate? The Libertarians took a giant fucking credibility hit with Barr, I'm sorry.

Mr. Crow,

With San Fran Nan and Diane "Mr. and Mrs. America, turn 'em in" Feinstein running the show in the House and Senate, I'd be VERY surprised if our 2A rights didn't take a giant hit in the shorts...

JD said...


Pray for SCOTUS to be on our side, especially with the SH*& they are pulling in DC right now. . . .

I hate to say it but it may be all we have going for us now. . .

Anonymous said...

im waiting for a candidate that will stand up and say "what part of 'shall nto be infringed' do you not understand?"

the libertardians are stupid, their most vocal supporters always want legalization of rugs to be their first topic of discussion... and im sorry, even if i agree, i realize that its not a good topic to bring up...

Mike W. said...

not to mention the "tighter state restrictions on firearms generally." part

How the hell can gun laws get much tighter in Illinois? The next step would be an all out ban.

I'm with you on Bob Barr. He's no Libertarian in my book.

RW said...


Barr was my former congressman (before the state Dems redistricted his, er, district, and he made the moronic calculation to move & get his a$$ kicked by John Linder in the most conservative district in the state - which is why Barr is meaningless in this election, btw) so I know that he was simply a "party line conservative" suit while in congress. He gave the Reagan rhetoric while he was in DC & we cons loved him for it.

Then, he lost.

Immediately, he became a "libertarian". Now, that's fine, but he authored DOMA, voted for the war & voted for the patriot act, all of which he now is against.

In short, he was as authentic as a set of boobs in Hollywood. Or John Cole.

I'm sorry, you can be for the war or against the war and you can certainly slam the way that the war has been undertaken (if you don't, well, you should, IMO) but to be 'for' the war back in '02 and then change your mind and say it was wrong and that we should get out is akin to being for a pregnancy prior to fertilization & then deciding after the kid was born that it was all a mistake & asking if you can return it.

Anonymous said...

It is tough to have so many shit sandwiches and only one vote.

Nobody is going to bring about any change we can believe in my friends.

Pick yer poison. As for me I will take the bottle of Obama and hope that the Republican party as it now exists will be destroyed root and branch so maybe it can rebuild itself from the ground up and become the kind of party this country needs.

One that believes in limited government and fiscal responsibility.

I wouldn't worry too much about more laws against guns. Hell. Aren't there tens of thousands of those now?

A couple of days ago a football player for the University of Georgia was arrested for having an unloaded gun under the seat of his car.

Now if he had had a loaded gun in the glove box it would not have been a problem. But an unloaded gun under the seat is a no no.

I don't see how you keep up with all the laws against firearms anyway.

When it comes to laws I concentrate more on not getting caught than I do on following the law.

It is easier that way.

Jay G said...


Thanks for confirming what I thought about Barr - he's about as Libertarian as Obama. It's more opportunisti-libertarian...


If I thought that the Republican party stood a snowball's chance in hell of getting the RIGHT message from losing to Obama, I'd be out campaigning for Barack myself.

However, they've shown a disturbing predilection to move to the left whenever they lose an election, to the point now where I'm afraid there won't be any difference between the two parties.

You are, of course, absolutely right to be pissed at them - hell, I'd wager I'm just as pissed if not more so. They're spending money like there's no tomorrow; they're making governmental promises they've got no business making; they're implementing dangerous and unConstitutional programs in the name of the illusory "safety" that can only lead to further restrictions on my personal liberty.

And all they can offer for rebuttal is "well, the Democrats will be worse".


Your whole reason to get me to vote for you should be that YOU are better, not that your opponent is worse.

And there's rapidly becoming no distinction between the two.

"Different wings on the same bird of prey" indeed, with tip 'o' the keyboard to Mssr. Buchanan...

Mike W. said...

"I wouldn't worry too much about more laws against guns. Hell. Aren't there tens of thousands of those now? "

-Buck, the problem is that it only takes one or two bad laws to change things drastically. Imagine what would happen for example if importation of foreign made ammo was made illegal.

Jay G said...

It only takes one really really bad law to really make things difficult for the pro-gun community.

1000% tax on ammo?

Insane consumer "safety" regulations?

Hell, Kennedy & Kerry's "no ammo that can go through a bulletproof vest" would have stopped *ALL* shotgun and centerfire rifle sales cold.

"Smart gun" technology that currently DOES NOT EXIST is being voted on in NJ.

"Ballistic fingerprinting" of cartridges, which was implemented in MD and found to be an ABYSMAL FAILURE, is *STILL* cropping up in the same old tired gun-grabbing circles.

We have over 20 THOUSAND gun laws at the state and federal levels.

None of them have stopped, slowed, or even vaguely hindered those that would do harm; all the gun laws do is make the law-abiding jump through more hoops.

And all it takes is one really bad law (1994 Assault Weapon ban, but with no sunset and no grandfathering?) to really make life difficult for those law-abiding people.

And Barack Obama wants LOTS more really bad laws...

Anonymous said...

Imagine what would happen for example if importation of foreign made ammo was made illegal.

I can't imagine. The first thing that comes to my mind is boom times for domestic ammo makers. Of course for all I know there are no domestic ammo makers. Ya'll are way ahead of me when it comes to that kind of thing.

I don't believe that BHO will make a big issue out of guns in our society. I could be wrong but I am sure it would be his ass if he did.

With foreign policy, domestic policy and economic policy being as fucked up as it already is I would have to assume that gun laws are way, way down the list of things to do.

But keep in mind guys. I am far more of an anarchist than I am anything. Hell I have not voted for a mainstream Presidential candidate since Reagans second run.

Since then I have always voted for whoever was not a Democrat or Republican.

My disgust and disdain for the Republican Party is the reason for my vote for Obama. Fuck the Republicans. If I am going to get big government then let the Democrats feed it to me. At least they are honest about it. I can take honesty that I disagree with a lot easier than bullshit hypocrisy and insults on my already limited intelligence.

Plus I am a white guy who lives in a small north Georgia town. Obama bumper sticker on the right side of my bumper and a "Freedom First" NRA bumper sticker on the left side.

The locals can't figure out whether to shake my hand or punch me in the nose :-)

NotClauswitz said...

Obama means change but he's not even a Democrat - he's applauded as a "Lightworker" by the Spacey Loons who love and adore him and have created a mystical religion around him -- and he intends to implement Chicago style Socialism with all the brutality that implies.
He's anti-gun because they are a popular impediment to his path of "change" which includes the Constitution - but the best thing he can do is keep his mouth shut about it and that's exactly what he's done.
We have an Eco-Weenie law here that outlawed lead in hunting ammo for most of California including .22LR - any "potential habitat" for an extinct species so down the whole coast and inland from Oregon to Mexico you can't buy most ammo. Gun-shops and sporting goods stores won't stock it.
Find a "protected species" and write some legal crap about it and it's exportable to anyState USA.
Clinton made many of his nefarious last-minute shit-sandwiches with the stroke of a pen and all Obama's strong Left-wing Party supporters behind his every move will insure it happens, you can't thwart the unDead like Feinstein and Pelosi forever unless you have a stake and a mallet and a string of garlic, and a flamethrower.
Voting for Obama to satisfy personal political vanity is suicidal.

NotClauswitz said...

Sorry if I got over-passionate, I was raised by Socialists much like Obama for the better part of my lifetime.

Jay G said...

No apologies necessary. We here in the Volksrepublik are suffering under "Cadillac Deval" Patrick, whose "leadership" (or lack thereof) in MA reflects on what we can expect from an Obamessiah presidency.

In short, BOHICA...

Deval Patrick = Michael Dukakis.
Barack Obama = Jimmy Carter.

Except this time there's no Ronald Reagan silver lining to the Jimmy Carter cloud...