Thursday, July 10, 2008

About Damn Time!

In praise of bald men
He feels fantastic. Have you ever stroked a freshly-shaved head? If so, you know the basis for the adage “Once you go bald, you never go back!” Indeed, fans of bald dudes can have a very strong desire to touch and kiss their partners’ clean-shaven heads. “I’m crazy about the way it feels,” says one woman who wishes to remain anonymous.

[Bart] There's only one thing left to do: Strut.

I do have to take issue with this section, though:
He’s wash and go. Hair — as any woman knows from fussing with her own — requires copious grooming, and less maintenance can equal more masculine (sorry, I know it’s a stereotype but one that a lot of women I spoke to voiced!). “I don’t want to be with a man whose gel and mousse routine is more elaborate than mine,” says my friend Amy, who’s never seen her guy with a strand above his eyebrows. Am I guilty of buying my husband his first bottle of conditioner when he struggled with snarls during the early stages of his current great grow-out? Yes. But am I pleased to have more bathroom time to myself during his bald phase? Yup!

Uh, no. One of the biggest drawbacks to the shaved head is the amount of extra time I need to spend maintaining it. For optimal smoothness, it needs to be shaved with a blade every other day. That takes time (especially for giant craniums like yours truly possesses...)

However, it's about damn time we of the cleansed pate were recognized as the sexy beasts that we are...

That is all.


Borepatch said...

I prefer to buzz, rather than shave. However, the lovely Mrs. Borepatch will rub her hand absently over my head while she watches TV. She *never* used to do that when I had hair.

breda said...

indeed. =)

RW said...

Once again, I have the best of both worlds. After years of moderate length hair & a moustache (all thanks to my wife, who forbade me to change anything) I've gone from almost daily trimming to a clean face & a 'buzz cut' on top of my head. All I do is get the clippers every 5 days, walk into the shower, trim up & I'm ready to go. The wife likes the "wet" look, so I still throw some gel on it, but in the days between cutting, it takes me 9 minutes to go from standing in my bedroom in sweaty gym clothes to completely showered - shaven - clothes on - hair gelled/wet - ready to go out the door. I'm an engineer, so yeah, I've timed it on numerous occasions.

She'll have to file divorce papers to get me to go back.

And, sorry Jay, thanks to Nioxin, I'm growing back what little hair I'd lost. Hand-to-bible, it's true. There's another little orphan that popped up in front of the line up top that was in a mild recession that's waiting from some siblings to join him. :) I have more hair at 41 than I did at 35. go figure.


About the woman tho didn't want a guy who spent more time on his hair than her? Er, yeah, they're called p*$$ies. Polite term: metrosexual. As in, the current chairman of the Democratic National Committee, who said that he was one. Again, hand to bible, he said it.

A few things I've never understood about hair: if we truly evolved over time (we have), why did men 'evolve' into losing hair on top of their head, when that's one of the most important parts of the body that needs to stay warm? You'd think we'd have evolved into keeping hair on top of our heads, not growing out of our ears.

And why do so few women go bald, as opposed to men? Weren't they there during the caveman days, evolving alongside us?


Lastly, as I readied to take my "after" pictures last week & shaved my upper torso & with this being the second time I've done that (oh, man, the growing back part is itching me like crazy) I can easily attest that a 'clean' chest not only looks about a billion times better, but I prefer it. Yeah, I typed that; if I could take a pill and grow no body hair, I'd do it in a minute. Getting out of the shower with nothing falling on the floor or in the towel is a good thing.

And, oh, my wife looooooooooves that look (nudge), which may have something to do with my preference.

But, I didn't & won't keep it. Not a fan of maintenance. I like to keep it at 9 minutes, thankyouverymuch.

Jay G said...


I've thought about that - buzzing once a week rather than shaving - but the vanity that is me likes the smoooooth look better.

I think if I had more hair I'd feel differently, but with just the little "accountant ring" around the edges, it looks much better shaved.

Plus it tans up nice.


Heh. It's obvious that some women have better taste...


"No plugs, no rugs, no drugs" has been my mantra since 1992 (the last time hair graced the top of my head). Unless and until someone comes up with a 99+% successful drug, I'll pass (I think the best ones currently out are only like 25% success).

As for evolution, the theory as I've heard it is that we are evolving towards losing our body hair entirely. As we become more and more insulated from the vagaries of weather, we need hair for warmth less and less.

So, basically, bald men are more evolved.


I can't say that with a straight face, as the rest of my body looks suspiciously like Sasquatch. I often joke that I didn't lose my hair, it just slid off my head and down my back...

RW said...

No drugs, buddy. :)

It comes with the shampoo. Just a more expensive & different type of Head & Shoulders that works on hair cells instead of dandruff.

No way I'd ever make my first drug use revolve around my receding hairline. Shrinking balls, yeah, but not my hair. :)

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

I shave to PUNISH the follicles that remain for allowing their treasonous brothers to abandon the dome.

And it's a big dome. 7 7/8ths. I need that much volume to contain this MASSIVE brain.

Anonymous said...

Bleh. I have to blade it every single day if I want it anywhere near smooth enough for Better Half's approval. That said, she still prefers a .5-1 cm buzz over straight-up bald. Of course, in a few more years given my current rate, she may not have a choice...

Firehand said...

Tried shaving for about two weeks, and gave it up; was a PITA. So I just buzz it real short.

DJK said...

I have been shaving with a ZEROn once a week for quite a while. Recently, I was introduced to Kombucha Tea...Good stuff. Since I began brewing it and drinking copious amounts of it, my hair has been growing like MAD. Correlation? I'm not sure, but it seems like it. I even think some of my bald spots are starting to grow back. Not sure about that one....I'll tell you in a year.